Friday, November 22, 2013

Conversation with Uncle Arthur and others

So, after once again seeing no activation yesterday or today after hearing it is done I called Uncle Arthur and called some of the people I know with DC connections to try to figure out what the heck is going on.

Like I have said before Uncle Arthur is not a whole lot into the IQD situation, but is into other things and a financial adviser. My question to him was about this ridiculous story about a bus load of dinarians going to the banks and this is the reason we have not seen the activation. He chuckled repeatedly throughout our whole conversation over that one. He always answers my questions with questions, because he thinks people should use the brain they were given and not just listen blindly to other people. His statement on this , after he had stopped laughing initially, was to say there is no way that a bus load of people at one bank stopped the activation of a global event. He then proceeded to tell me I must be an idiot myself if I even believed that for a moment. Stop and think about it, he said. What would happen to you if you and a bus load of people drove into a bank parking lot and got out asking about the revaluation of the dinar. I said well they would look at us like we were nuts, politely tell us it is not a trade-able currency, has not revalued and say Good Day... He said, Ok what would happen if you didn't leave or caused a scene. Well, we all know what would happen. They would call security and we would be asked to leave, escorted off the property of arrested for trespassing. HOWEVER, while it may cause a scene which would in turn alert the media, it would NOT stop banking services or banking transactions etc. As he stated also if these people were ignorant and brazen enough to get together and do this sort of foolish act, that was so disruptive that it stopped a whole CE don't you also think they would be brazen and foolish enough to band together as a group and be able to find some media outlet that would be willing to listen to them?????   Well, I have to say his answer made sense to me.

Uncle Arthur agreed that he has been hearing that we should see this revaluation and he is surprised it hasn't happened yet. He said he has NOT heard the double digit rates that I relayed to him. He also said that if the rate was supposed to be 3.87 rate in Iraq for it to line up with the rate we had agreed upon for the other countries (ie $38+ here and then $10 for the VNN) that yes, something as simple as being $3.89 would throw the system out of line again. Yes 2 cents off will throw a flag. Its like he explained to me before and I posted previously..If A=B then C has to be a specific number.

I spoke also with my friend who is a high clearance program manager at one of the big 4 and he said again that he has heard nothing so far. 

Common sense should tell all of us now that people being called into call centers, if that is factual information, or just more misinformation people are feeding the gurus, means nothing because that has been happening all year per the gurus and we still have no RV.

So, the bottom line is, stay hopeful. Keep expecting it ASN but live your life as if it will not happen for another year. I have talked to many people who are actually allowing this to make them physically ill. We cannot control the timing of this. Do not stay up every night, waiting for a text. Go to bed. Remember that thee "gurus" are just human beings. They tell you what they are told, and if the truth was known we would probably find out that some of them are just repeating the statements they have heard from others who are supposedly in the know. 

As for people who claim they have did their currency exchange and are still posting in forums, then one of two things is true . Either there is no NDA, or they are not being honest with you and have not did a CE any more than you and I have. Use your common sense. Google stacks of money and you will see how easy it is to fool people into thinking you have stacks of money. A good photoshop job can also fool you 100% of the time. Do not continue to be mislead.

If someone starts off their call with "I have all of this wonderful news to share with you," and then shares nothing, you might be a misinformed dinarian 

If you stay up all night waiting for a text that never came, you might be a misinformed dinarian.

If you are sitting in the McDonalds next to the bank , waiting for those 800#'s , you might be a misinformed dinarian

If you live your life waiting for next posting from someone who claims that have already did the CE, you might be a misinformed dinarian. (stop and think about that one)

If you can praise one guru but bash others that are saying the exact same thing, you might be a misinformed dinarian.

Now, stop being misinformed  and go out and have a fantabulous day!!!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Uncle Arthur 11/14/13

Hello Angeni
You asked me where do I think we currently stand with this currency revaluation situation. I see the leaves as they have changed color and are falling to the ground. I see this as an indication that winter is coming upon us.  As I sit here writing this to you I can see an a-wa-ni-ta (baby deer) right outside my window, while his mother watches over him. Last night up on the hill there was the biggest ga-la-gi-na (buck) I have ever seen backlit by the light of the moon. The air was so cold and the moon so bright shining on him you could almost see his breath.
These are all signs, and as such there are many signs about the currency exchange and what is going on surrounding it.
It does not take a “guru” as you call it to read those signs. It just takes you and me and others sitting back and being quiet and still and reflecting upon things to see what is happening. In my last note to you I told you this was all about egos and that has not changed. Why do you think Tony has been telling you for a month that this HAS indeed happened and then you have not seen the results of his words. For starters I have a feeling that he is given the information that those in power want you to see. They know he is looked upon as a hero to the masses and people hang on his every word. That however, does not mean that the information he is given is always factual. Do not be like the  u-no-de-na (sheep) to slaughter. I smell the scent of di-la ( skunk ) . Egos and attitude are what is holding this up and you are at the mercy of those feeding your hero his information.
There is only one thing I will continue to tell you and that is that no one can give you an exact date or time. As a financial advisor I will also tell you that I have never heard of anyone signing an NDA after the fact. NDA’s are signed before the information is given to you, you do not shut the barn door after the horse already got out. IF there is an NDA to sign it will be in reference to do not tell the rate you received, do not write a book, do not contact the newspapers, do not do a movie etc etc…all about things you have not did YET. There will not be an NDA about discussing the currency revaluations in general because each and every one of you have already discussed it repeatedly with other people you have tried to get involved in this deal so it would not be enforceable.

So, while I do not have any specific information to give you I will say that all of the signs point to us being very, very close. Could it be today, tomorrow or before Thanksgiving? Yes, the signs point in that direction. Do I think that when any guru is told it will happen in the next 3 hours, then it is switched to 72 hours, then at 10pm after those 72 hours, then 1 am after that and then when that doesn’t pan out 2-6 more hours and you are still waiting, do I see that as truthful? No, I see that at someone being played. If your contacts cannot pin it down any better than that, yet they continue to tell you day after day, hour after hour then I say a wise man would shut up and stop repeating what is obviously incorrect information.
So, enjoy the rest of your evening, let the spirits bathe you in peace and tranquility. Breathe in the crisp cool air and know this IS happening, all signs point to it. But please do not hold your breath waiting for the “moment”. It will happen when it happens, but just as the second coming, no man knows the day or the time.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Disturbing events

It is really disturbing to me that a moderator from another forum would send one of my moderators a snarky message about her becoming a moderator on my new site. This friend of mine is a wonderful, sweet, kind, unassuming soul and did not deserve the PM that she received. My forum was made because there were no guarantees that a new forum was going to be created and people were having major withdrawal symptoms. There was no need to hurt a very wonderful young lady's feelings or make her feel that she can now no longer be a part of any forum. Shame on you. I used to have so much respect for you, now I have none. What you did was uncalled for, selfish and very childish.

Monday, October 21, 2013

China, USA, Iraq????? Oh my!

So, this is really getting a little bit ridiculous. If a woman was in charge of this, the one thing I know is this would be DONE! Women do not play these stupid games.

As I said previously, we will only see this RV when all the bullies are put in their place and someone says enough is enough.

So, PLEASE...I don't care which one of you stand up to the plate and do what needs to be done, but will one of you please say "Ok, I am not playing the game any more, this is going to be finished and it is going to be finished today. We are not playing ball with you guys any more, this is in all of our best interest and so ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" If you guys get what you want out of this, then fine, if not, then oh well, you should have stopped kicking this thing out farther and farther. 

This is like the play yard bullies are playing keep away, and the ball is the RV. So, how about you just walk away and the bullies will get tired of this. Stop being the moron in the middle, stop playing the game and the bullies will get tired of this.

Don't stand in the middle jumping for the ball as it goes over your head, and tell me this is happening today, because until you step out of the middle, stop grabbing for the ball and running from East to West this is NOT going to happen.  So, if it is the good ole USA in the middle, then act like adults and walk away please! Stop telling the gurus today, today, today when you are still in the middle trying to grab the ball. Unless you happen to have the RV firmly in your hands don't tell us it is done!!!!!

And for those of us that are in the play yard, cheering the guy in the middle on...please step away. The only thing we are doing by cheering them on is prolonging our misery. Stop being the audience and maybe the game will get old quicker and we will be able to see that elusive RV just fall into our laps....

Friday, October 18, 2013

In the interest of truth?

So, while it does not matter in the grand scheme of things as far as I am concerned, several people have sent me information pointing out that while has stated they have closed down their registration they have since added 3 new members. There is nothing wrong with this, but hey let's be honest. We all talked about how ptr said they were closing down membership and then they didn't, we all talked about the "oops, I sent you a text by mistake scenario, etc" So let's not be the pot calling the kettle black here please.

What happened to the title under TNTdinar being Administrator? Now it is Moderator, and the user Admin is now Administrator? What happened to GeorgeH being banned after PMing a nastygram to another member to all of a sudden being unbanned so he could post another goat bloat?

Do these things matter, in the grand scheme of the revaluation? Of course not, but they do matter in the scheme of honesty.

Just a little rant...... If you will lie on the small things, then why should we believe you on the bigger issues?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Elusive RV for you and me....

So, once again we thought we would wake up this morning to see the digits in our bank accounts. How could it possibly not be happening? 

I want each of you to stop and clear your mind. Close your eyes and think with the brain God gave you. Think back over the past 3 or 4 years and look to see if there are any patterns you can see. Has anyone ever been right? No, not as far as the RV goes they have not been. However, there have been many times over the past years that both Okie and Tony have been correct, as well as anyone that then regurgitated the information either of them were given. As I said the PTB allow a certain amount of correct information to get out, just so they can gain your trust, as well as the trust of the "gurus" giving you the information. Of course one day , if they call it every day SOMEONE will get LUCKY and call it correctly :)

So, what will be the next reason for the RV eluding us? Oh, there will be one....and then the next and the next until one of two things happens. 1) The PTB get tired of playing whatever game it is that they are playing. (and believe me I cannot figure out what that game may be as it makes absolutely no sense, because what can they be profiting from this?...that is the question you need to be asking yourself) or 2) Enough of the "good guys" get tired of being bullied and force the hand, which is what I am hoping for.

There is no one, and I do mean NO ONE, that knows in advance the date this will happen. There are people that have fantastic contacts, very high up contacts, that are being given dates and rates, but those are not factual they are fictional. It is like we are on the end of a puppet string and the PTB want to watch us dance for some sadistic reason that only they know of, so they keep telling the people we have grown to trust that it is happening, today, then tomorrow, the next day etc etc.

I am not trying to discourage ANYONE, this currency exchange WILL happen, but I want each of you to stop putting your faith in mankind, stop staying up late , stop taking your cell phone to bed with you, stop putting your life on hold. LIVE your life as if you will not see this for another year. Go out and have some fun. Many of you are wasting very precious moments , waiting for this RV. Spend time with family and friends, the RV isn't going to disappear just because you are out having some fun instead of being attached at the hip to your PC or your cell phone!

So, go out and find what excites you. Pay your bills on time, do not spend money that you do not have, and live within your means. 

((hugs)) to all, with prayers for a speedy release and the strength to survive until that time comes.