Monday, October 21, 2013

China, USA, Iraq????? Oh my!

So, this is really getting a little bit ridiculous. If a woman was in charge of this, the one thing I know is this would be DONE! Women do not play these stupid games.

As I said previously, we will only see this RV when all the bullies are put in their place and someone says enough is enough.

So, PLEASE...I don't care which one of you stand up to the plate and do what needs to be done, but will one of you please say "Ok, I am not playing the game any more, this is going to be finished and it is going to be finished today. We are not playing ball with you guys any more, this is in all of our best interest and so ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" If you guys get what you want out of this, then fine, if not, then oh well, you should have stopped kicking this thing out farther and farther. 

This is like the play yard bullies are playing keep away, and the ball is the RV. So, how about you just walk away and the bullies will get tired of this. Stop being the moron in the middle, stop playing the game and the bullies will get tired of this.

Don't stand in the middle jumping for the ball as it goes over your head, and tell me this is happening today, because until you step out of the middle, stop grabbing for the ball and running from East to West this is NOT going to happen.  So, if it is the good ole USA in the middle, then act like adults and walk away please! Stop telling the gurus today, today, today when you are still in the middle trying to grab the ball. Unless you happen to have the RV firmly in your hands don't tell us it is done!!!!!

And for those of us that are in the play yard, cheering the guy in the middle on...please step away. The only thing we are doing by cheering them on is prolonging our misery. Stop being the audience and maybe the game will get old quicker and we will be able to see that elusive RV just fall into our laps....

Friday, October 18, 2013

In the interest of truth?

So, while it does not matter in the grand scheme of things as far as I am concerned, several people have sent me information pointing out that while has stated they have closed down their registration they have since added 3 new members. There is nothing wrong with this, but hey let's be honest. We all talked about how ptr said they were closing down membership and then they didn't, we all talked about the "oops, I sent you a text by mistake scenario, etc" So let's not be the pot calling the kettle black here please.

What happened to the title under TNTdinar being Administrator? Now it is Moderator, and the user Admin is now Administrator? What happened to GeorgeH being banned after PMing a nastygram to another member to all of a sudden being unbanned so he could post another goat bloat?

Do these things matter, in the grand scheme of the revaluation? Of course not, but they do matter in the scheme of honesty.

Just a little rant...... If you will lie on the small things, then why should we believe you on the bigger issues?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Elusive RV for you and me....

So, once again we thought we would wake up this morning to see the digits in our bank accounts. How could it possibly not be happening? 

I want each of you to stop and clear your mind. Close your eyes and think with the brain God gave you. Think back over the past 3 or 4 years and look to see if there are any patterns you can see. Has anyone ever been right? No, not as far as the RV goes they have not been. However, there have been many times over the past years that both Okie and Tony have been correct, as well as anyone that then regurgitated the information either of them were given. As I said the PTB allow a certain amount of correct information to get out, just so they can gain your trust, as well as the trust of the "gurus" giving you the information. Of course one day , if they call it every day SOMEONE will get LUCKY and call it correctly :)

So, what will be the next reason for the RV eluding us? Oh, there will be one....and then the next and the next until one of two things happens. 1) The PTB get tired of playing whatever game it is that they are playing. (and believe me I cannot figure out what that game may be as it makes absolutely no sense, because what can they be profiting from this?...that is the question you need to be asking yourself) or 2) Enough of the "good guys" get tired of being bullied and force the hand, which is what I am hoping for.

There is no one, and I do mean NO ONE, that knows in advance the date this will happen. There are people that have fantastic contacts, very high up contacts, that are being given dates and rates, but those are not factual they are fictional. It is like we are on the end of a puppet string and the PTB want to watch us dance for some sadistic reason that only they know of, so they keep telling the people we have grown to trust that it is happening, today, then tomorrow, the next day etc etc.

I am not trying to discourage ANYONE, this currency exchange WILL happen, but I want each of you to stop putting your faith in mankind, stop staying up late , stop taking your cell phone to bed with you, stop putting your life on hold. LIVE your life as if you will not see this for another year. Go out and have some fun. Many of you are wasting very precious moments , waiting for this RV. Spend time with family and friends, the RV isn't going to disappear just because you are out having some fun instead of being attached at the hip to your PC or your cell phone!

So, go out and find what excites you. Pay your bills on time, do not spend money that you do not have, and live within your means. 

((hugs)) to all, with prayers for a speedy release and the strength to survive until that time comes.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


ALSO, Just to keep you well informed and not blinded by misinformation. The PMs that you send and receive on tntdinar forum are NOT private messages. I had many of mine deleted from both my inbox and sent box as have many other TNTdinar forum members, so PLEASE do not say anything in PMs that you do not want the moderators to see.

Also, if you have a PM you want to keep, copy and paste it into an email you send to yourself, otherwise it might wind up deleted mysteriously!!!

A cow by any other name...????

Or a goat that regurgitates it's food. There is nothing of interest to say about the goats most recent post. It is just a history lesson pulled off of Wikipedia which anyone could post as well as regurgitated information, some now from Uncle Arthur , which is too funny. (As you recall Uncle Arthur said we will not see this now until Thursday at the earliest)
What ever happened to the end of September, first of October? Or was it April, May, June, July, August????
The point is the goat has no more information than the average reader or owner of dinar that listens to multiple "gurus". All the goat is doing is chewing up their information and posting it back as hers, with a lot of unnecessary nonsense attached.

Monday, October 14, 2013

I am NOT speaking of Angelic or SoReadyforit

I was just told that Angelic felt Tony had to discuss something on his call today because "A2 is saying the mods are backstabbing Tony" 


I am referring to one specific Mod and neither Angelic or SoReadyForIt is that Mod :)

Interesting website

Wow, so I was looking at my stats to see where people are coming from that are viewing my site. Got a big chuckle out of that but it also took me to a site that I did not know existed. It is called

I had never heard of this site before so I decided to check it out and WOW, if they have factual information it was definitely an eye opener. You can put in a domain name like,,,, etc etc and it shows you how much money those sites make each day. Very informative :)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Talking to Uncle Arthur

The intel providers are giving you the information as they receive it, the only problem is that since the people that have bThe below information came from a telephone conversation with Uncle Arthur. I know it is not in "his" format and grammar :) but I do not typically intersperse my conversations with Cherokee words, so sorry you will have to take me as you find me :):)

Q.It seems that we are hearing that every day is the day. What is the reasoning for this? Are intel providers deliberately giving us misinformation?
A. No, the intel providers are just giving you the information that the PTB are providing them for their own motives. The point is that this information is manipulated information. As you have noticed you are being told every day is THE day. The sad part about this is that good people are falling for that information since it is coming from great sources that have told them truthful information in the past. That is the purpose of the people providing the information. They had to give out just enough factual information such as the Qi Cards being loaded and an in country RV , and then an international RV on September 19th to draw everyone in. It is called trust. Once they gain your trust then they can manipulate you and pull you into the web of deception even farther.
een giving them information so far have been about 80% correct then it is assumed the remaining information will be correct as well.

Q. What is the earliest date you think we will see this blessing?
A. Thursday, October 17th is the EARLIEST for it to be visible to us.

Q. So is the date of October 17th attached to the debt ceiling date?
A. Yes, and NO. The rest of the world is waiting to see what the USA is going to do. The PTB are still fighting wanting more, more, more. If they do not receive what they are requesting then they are not going to allow this rv to  take place. (or so they think) There are people of character fighting to put an end to this ego war. It is just a matter of time before Good wins out over Evil. The good guys are really pushing hard, and fighting back against the bullies. Now we need to all hope and pray that the good guys are not fooled into thinking the bullies have given in when in reality they are waiting to stab the system in the back again.

A lot of things are going on in the background. We cannot see this process, but wheels are turning, deals are being made in secret. Some people are having a change of heart for the better so the good boys are gaining in strength and popularity.

Let's keep the positivism flowing. Free your mind of all negative thoughts. Visualize all the peace that will flow into your lives , the weight of the world being lifted off of your shoulders. The plans have been laid, and while there may be detours along this journey the dinar is on the road, we can see our final destination through the window in front of us.

Please do not let anyone deter you from your mission. Whatever you had planned to better humanity, do not forget once this money is in your bank accounts. Remember to help others , to help your neighbor. I am not asking you to give a hand out to anyone, but be willing to give hands up. 

In closing please do NOT give your full name to ANYONE or any website or forum just in exchange for a text message when this thing pops. Giving a user id and a disposable cell number is no issue but please do not make it easy for others to find you.

Uncle Arthur
OT correct, because it is a FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE! not a UST note. 

~On the subject of Mountain Goat ! I imagine you will see a new mnt goat after the conference call tomorrow or just before this time. The goat has to take the information that you are going to hear on the conference call and regurgitate it either after they get the information from the Mod prior to the call or after the call. You will see no NEW info on the goat post. Remember according to the goat this should have happened already.(many times) Not faulting the goat because he/she is just basing their information on what is coming from Tony, either after his calls or when he shares the info with a certain mod. and his information is coming from great contacts.

Have a wonderful week, and I hope we see this before the end of the week, but we will not see this prior to Thursday (at the earliest)


~One other thing I want to point out. Why all of a sudden are we no longer being told about the new $100 bill note being a new UST note???? All we heard from certain intel providers was how once we saw that new $100 note we would see this RV. I told you then it was N

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I love me some "Tony" TNTDinar

First , let me say a public Thank You to all the awesome people who have viewed my blog as well as all the wonderful emails I have received from so many of you!!! I am honored and AMAZED!!! You are the silent majority!!!!

I wanted to clear up something though. I do not want anyone to bash Tony to me. He is doing what he feels is right for now. He is giving you the information as he receives it, and as I have said repeatedly the man has a heart of gold. It does not matter to me what he may or may not have said about me . I know without a doubt that if he hd honestly read my blog he would not be saying anything against me. He would say everyone is entitled to their opinion and he may defend his blessed mod, but he knows I have always defended him and his information and I will continue to do so.

I do not mess with forums etc anymore on the weekends. I refuse to allow my life to be lived only in waiting mode :) And as always, I am spending my weekends LIVING life, not existing and I suggest that you all do the same. Maybe by Monday I will have something new to share with you. 

Just remember to be safe online. Do not be sharing your information with any dinar site. Do not put yourself or your family at risk. 

Thank you again for all of your supporting emails. It is wonderful to see that some people use the common sense God gave them . 

Once again, do not give up on this adventure, we are almost there :)  In the meantime on the forum do not allow anyone to bully you. The trolls are trolling, and they will try everything to discourage you. The voices of reason are being silenced one at a time and eventually there will be no more... Remember the poem I posted a long time ago.


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- 
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- 
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me. (Martin Niemöller)


So, Angeni, you really stirred up a hornets nest here now didn't you?

And in so many ways it was unintentional. Having discernment is sometimes not very much fun at all.

This is just more of a jumbled thoughts post, but for any one who is reading this, and I can tell from my stats that more are reading this than I ever thought :) Please use common sense. Do NOT be giving people your real name or real email address to go with your phone number just because you want to be alerted by text message when this RV pops!!! DO NOT DO IT! How many of you have already been getting text messages from stock market and investor groups??? I know I have and I also know there is only ONE place I have signed up and given this telephone number. ONLY ONE!

I will state and restate a million times if I have to that I do not believe Tony has a thing to do with this. I think he is 100% in the dark, and I think he is 100% honest. Do not blame Tony, blame his "Blessed" mods, the same one that totally wiped me off of because they did not like the fact that "The truth needs no crutches, if it limps it's a lie" I told you guys so many times that I do not like bullies, and that bullies need to be called out. So you really think that by deleting me and all of my posts that it will be like I never existed in the first place? Sorry, too many people enjoyed what I brought to the table and too many people have my email address, so yes, little by little you will be exposed for who you are and one day Tony will wake up and see this as well.

People  continue to listen to what Tony has to say... but DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION ALL FOR A TEXT MESSAGE!!!! When this RV occurs it will be blasted all over recaps, all over Okies site, all over the place. All of us have friends that are in this. WE WILL KNOW :) YOU WONT BE LEFT OUT IN THE DARK ALL ALONE!!!!

((hugs)) and blessings for your day!

So, the below information was sent out telling the forum members of TNT to HURRY UP and sign up for the new text alert system because TNT had exceeded their count ????


We have exceeded our Text alerts and they have closed our account so we now have a ..


Sign up now on our website

Just click on the SMS text button on the upper right of the front page and then follow the instructions.

This time you just type in your First and Last Name, Phone number and E-Mail address.

This will work great for those international members and those who can't receive text messages.


 Now sorry people but have a brain please. When TNT first posted about the texting service I decided to go check them out because I knew from past business experiences that there are many sites where you can send out mass texts for free for a period of time . So I went to the EZ Texting site that they were using. I signed up myself and have 20 credits totally FREE. TNT has not sent out any texts at all. I don't care if they have 50,000 members sign up , there is NO limit to the amount of contacts or groups! So why all of a sudden have they decided to switch to a new service? A new service that now wants your FULL NAME  as well as email address and phone number? Could it be 100% innocent? IF the information they gave about exceeding their limit had been truthful I would have said yes, but since the facts in their blast is incorrect then I have a tendency to say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT!!!!!

Unlimited Contacts & Groups
Your Ez Texting account has no limits when it comes to contacts and Groups.

As you can see from this as well as if you go on their website you can have unlimited contacts so the whole story about they had exceeded the number of contacts they could have was a LIE

While it DOES cost TNT to send texts they have never sent a text so far, so that cannot be the issue!
And we see above that even if TNT had 50,000 or more members you can have an unlimited amount of contacts so that cannot be the issue either!!!

P.S..the saga someone sent me this from the forum as well. Deception thickens...

(Member 1)Coincidence on day we look for the RV the old service provider reaches limit and closes account? Why close? I signed up for new but it is curious why they (text service) operate that way. Hoping for tonite!

(Member 2)just a guess, but I don't think they expected 20,0026 members.  even at $.10 to $.03 a text, that's a butt load to pay unless you get a bigger texting service co and get the big discount.  jumho


Seek and ye shall find .....

Last night when I was speaking with a few fellow forum members I said to them, "watch, A23954 will be deleted next" They had deleted Wausha and all traces that he ever existed, so I knew I would be next since he and I both had complained about the racist remarks we had endured as well as being pretty stead fast in pointing out the inconsistencies in the goat remarks. When I woke up this morning there were the emails flooding my inbox, saying that the moderators had did to me what they did to Wausha, we were wiped out as if we never existed. We weren't banned, we were wiped out, so perhaps this means Tony doesn't even know about it????

I have NEVER said anything negative about Tony. He has never been disrespectful to a member of his forum. He is giving us the information as he receives it so he is not lying to anyone. He has told the truth as he knows it. I could have came on the forum and repeated word for word the information that has been spewed to me via telephone calls from PTR but I have chosen not to do that , and I do not think that information was factual. Still gotta love me some Tony :)

With that said however, I have no use for others. I went back over my last blog to see what exactly had I said to infuriate certain people, and it dawned on me that what had actually happened was that I had set the truth free for all to see. So, since we want to go that route perhaps I need to go even deeper down that rabbit hole?????

When it first became apparent to me that the mountain goat was beginning to be negative and bashing Tony I started posting my opinion, respectfully. Imagine my surprise when I received a nasty gram from someone that called themselves Treeman. He told me my opinion was not welcomed on the forum and that I needed to learn to keep my opinion to myself. His tone was very threatening and included that he was the brother of one of the mods. (ie:shut up or I will have my sister ban you) I thought he was just a mountain goat fan trying to threaten me and so I sent the PM on the all of the moderators and asked them if it were true, and why would one of their brothers be threatening me. (It was shades of what I had been told about the "Snake" moderator at PTR and how he would threaten members thru PMs) Imagine my surprise when I received another nastigram, this time from a "blessed" moderator. I knew then, that what Treeman had said was indeed the truth. That was what got me to thinking. What better way for PTR to be able to keep tabs on what Tony was saying or doing than to have some of their members decide they wanted to start Tony his own site. Makes it that much more easier to manipulate the members as well as to be certain PTR gets the information and can regurgitate t just like the goat does. Where do you think the goat gets their information guessed it, Tonys intel. The goat never comes up with anything of value unless it has already been said by Tony.

Now ,on to the most recent thing that makes you go hmmm. How many times has Tony told us to NOT give out our real name to anyone How many times did he say how foolish that was? Now all of a sudden, the texting site they were using can no longer be used, even though they have never sent out even one text?
Now all of a sudden instead of just giving out your user id and your telephone number they now want your real name, first and last , as well as your email address and phone number? I thought Tony told us repeatedly NOT to do this???? Why the change?

More to come on this fiasco, including the texting service. So stay tuned and check back later on for more.

For those with common sense, do not be discouraged. Yes, information and people are being manipulated but this is still going to happen. It could happen any second of any day. Do not sell your dinar:)  However, we should each go out and live our lives . Precious moments are being wasted.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Hide and Go seek

I spoke with Uncle Arthur today to try to get new insight on what exactly is going on. He pointed out some things that are actually very obvious. He said as far as the Currency Revaluation goes it is being held up for the same reason it has been held up ever since September 19, when it was released. The reason you and I have not seen the digits in our account is as simple as it is old, and he has said it to me repeatedly. It is all about egos.We see it almost every day in one way or the other. We see it on the forums, each and every one of them. Do you think that it is only Okie's mods that have ulterior motives? Think again. The mods at TNT also are struggling with their very own ego issues and thirst for control. It is evident by the way they have turned on certain members of the forum. Not only do members have to deal with other members bullying them they now have to deal with mods that do the same thing. Many people have accused Tony of selling our email addresses , I think the reality is that certain moderators have sold our email addresses. As a member of TNT I have experienced the same nastiness from moderators the same way people experienced the threats on PTR. There must be something in the water moderators drink, because after a small space of time the moderators turn on the members. On several occasions I have been ridiculed or told to go to hell. As if that is not bad enough I have then had the very people that are supposed to be moderating these forums , laugh and join in with those people who were bashing me. I can guarantee you that if any of these individuals were face to face with me not one of them would have the gonads to speak to me the way they have in these forums. It takes a very small mind to treat members with such disdain. They are not supposed to be part of the problem, they are supposed to be part of the solution.

So, on to this silly little RV. Where is it hiding?

Is it hiding behind the debt ceiling? Do you REALLY believe that? Do you have to be a rocket scientist to know that the debt ceiling is going to eventually be raised? Do you have to be a guru with super secret contacts? NO! You just need to have a little bit of common sense. I see people reading things that the so called gurus post that are just good old common sense and still be mesmerized by it. Are people truly that ignorant?

Have you ever stopped to really think about this situation, or are you just blinded by the desire to see the money? Stop and think in the past how loved Okie was, and how great his information was as well as his contacts. Do you see any similarities here? Once Okie's popularity was gone the PTB needed another hero. Someone else that was as loved and as respected as Okie used to be . Okie became a laughing stock, he had outlived his usefulness and so the PTB discarded him like a dirty dish rag. Enter Stage Right, a new and well loved replacement, aka Tony. Is the information Tony shares with us truthful information? To a degree it is factual. It is factual as far as the PTB allow it to be. Is there misinformation thrown in? Unfortunately, yes!

Do you really think for one moment that any bank employee could get away with sharing privileged information with Tony? There is no way that if that information was not being manipulated that you or I would ever be hearing about it. The bank employee would be tracked down, and not only fired but be facing criminal charges. So does that mean the information we are being fed is incorrect? Not necessarily, but it is being manipulated as are we . For what reason? I am trying to figure that one out. Are the bits and pieces keeping the masses satisfied for now? Yes, so perhaps it is that simple.

Noone, including ANY guru can tell you the rate, the date or the time. All they can do is parrot back to you the information that they are being spoon fed by the PTB for very specific reasons.

Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things who the mountain goat is?No!  I have no clue who the real goat is but she/he is no different than PTR or any other group that takes another person's information and regurgitates it with a new sentence or two and calls it their own. For all I know the goat could be one of the PTR team ,or it could very easily be one of Tony's mods. Nothing would surprise me.

What each and every one of us needs to start doing is use some common sense. We need to use discernment as well. If it is as Uncle Arthur says, very big egos that are stopping this from being visible, then there is no amount of information that Tony or anyone else can provide to us that is going to change or hurry this along.

Be of good cheer, do not be despondent, know that this truly is close to happening. What you do not want to do is waste your life waiting. Go out and LIVE. And while you are at it, do not be led like a sheep to the slaughter. Know your own worth and never allow another to threaten, bully or demean you. You are special and you are worth it!!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Your opinion is not welcome here, said A23954 NEVER

So as with any forum, and just like my blogspot, comments are regulated. However, if I do not like something you might have to say I will allow your comments, I will just address them.

It has become very obvious that moderators have their own agendas. The idea of an impartial moderator is an oxymoron because most people have their own agendas.

However, since this is MY blog I can say what I wish.

For starters, has it ever occurred to anyone to ask why or how Private Messages get deleted in forums. On a forum I frequent I received a PM from someone using of course his forum unique ID. He told me my opinion was not welcome on that forum and he was the brother of one of the moderators and he wanted me to cease posting. I forwarded his comment on and got "Blessed" out by one of the moderators. (I guess I found out who he was the sister The amazing thing is that that PM mysteriously vanished as did the PM from the moderator that "Blessed" me out. So please be aware that your Private Messages are NOT private.

While we are on the subject of opinions, let us go back to 2 of my favorite posters. One a horse by any other name and one a smelly barnyard animal. The horse faced one always rubbed noses with the smelly one, until the smelly one was no longer popular. Then all of a sudden the horse faced one decided she had NEVER took up for that smelly barn animal. How amazing that today when the barn wind changed and people decided they enjoyed smelling goat droppings, the horse is back to eating what the animals are dropping. 

So , this is my rant for the day. Your opinions are only welcomed on forums when they go along with mob mentality. Common sense, fact checking and intelligent conversations are no longer welcomed.

What a shame!

So, if you want to see Uncle Arthur et al you will only find him on here in the future. I love the info our fearless leader brings but his Mods need to learn that objectivity is the name of the moderating forums game .

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I will be adding to this in posts that will follow but I posted this on a forum after someone claimed that Mnt Goat was right all the time.  Now Mnt Goat is posting under the name of GeorgeH. So who is this goat, and is their information factual?

This is not a negative post, we do this to all the other "gurus" all the time and others come on here and do it to the information that Tony brings.
Yesterday someone said that the goats info was almost always correct. So I decided to print out all the goats posts, and much to my surprise I realized that even I was blinded for a very long time. The goat even had me fooled. As many of you know I was a HUGE goat fan, I used to defend her the same way I see people doing now, so I guess I need to have some understanding of that.

However, it will take a long time to compare and contrast all the goats postings but here are just a few discrepancies that I found. It is confusing to post because it would be better off if I could do it in colums to compare and contrast....This is an ongoing process. It is not meant to bash anyone. It is meant to point out the fact that the goats information has been just as wrong as TerryKs. Also, I noticed a pattern of WHEN the goat would post. The goat always posted AFTER Tony or someone else that seemed to have good information. All she has did iss regurgitate the news we were already given.


1) On 07/10 
Smart Cards are activated, starting to roll out(same thing Tony had just said, go check his call notes)
~IMF is going ahead with the RV
~Project to remove the zeros is ALREADY DONE
~It DID RV FOR SURE. The CBI let itgo already
~Algorithms is the reason it is taking so long
We should see it today 07/10

2) On 07/16
~All smart cards are loaded now
~Project to delete or remove the zeros is well under way (On 07/10 she said the process was DONE)  
~RV is totally in the hands of Iraq (On 07/10 it had RV'd per goat and CBI had let it go already)

3) 07/22
~The holdup  is in Iraq and it is political stalling. Maliki is holding the world and the RV hostage ( What happened to it did RV for sure on 07/10)     

~Again QI cards all loaded
~NO political obstacles in Iraq to hold up the RV (I thought the RV happened on 07/10????)
~Hold up is NOW the IMF
~It was NOT Iraq holding it up. It was technical issues (Goat just said in past post it WAS IRAQ)
~Banking legislation coming on Aug 1 that is needed for the control of the money
(What was that legislation and once agan I thought the RV was done on 07/10)

~Confirmed that the RV would go international and USA to activate the rate. 
~We will be at banks before the end of the week, CONFIRMED THIS TODAY AGAIN
What happened to we already RV'd
~Maliki is still an issue (Thought Iraq as NOT the problem)

6) 08/05
~Iraqis are spending money on the Qi cards
~Project for deleting the zers is OVER, not about to begin as Kap said
~Post RV now, people taking their USD and buying the lower denoms. (save this thought for later or compare it to the recent posts)     

So, you tell me. After reading just these few past posts from the goat does it truly look to you like she has been right? Does it look like she just took the information that had already been shared with us by Tony and regurgitated it to us , with a lot of other words that didnt matter thrown in?

Like I said at the beginning, this isnt about bashing the goat. This is about checking the facts. The forum moderators allow people to come on and question Tony's information, they allow us to question TerryK. It is time we start Fact Checking people before we come on and say how they have never been wrong. 

if you read the goats posts you will see nothing but constant flip flopping.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Don't feed the bullies

Osda sunalei (Good morning)

So, what does it really matter? This  vi-s-vi (journey) is taking too long you say?

Angeni asked me to write another message that she can post on your forum, and I had to ask again WHY? Did you not learn to sit still and let the ka-ma-ma (butterfly)
come to you? I say that with a utsetsi ( smile)  

Why, after all you have been told by your Tony do you need anything else to calm your fears. Angeni  copied and pasted some things that were on your forum and shared them with me, asking for my opinion. I do not understand how people can get right out from under one batch of misinformation while appearing to get sucked right into another.

While your Tony is but a man as his wife always tells him, he is a good man, with a good heart, a strong mind and a deep sense of compassion. Why can you not just wait for his information to play out. Why must you always seek for more, more,more when he and others have told you this is done. 

I like this little note that Angeni sent me below. It says it all, but with some clarification needed, and lines up with what your Tony has told you.  While it is not tied to ObamaCare or the debt ceiling those things ARE being used to get what others want, so in that way they are tied into this.

 9-29-2013  Intel Guru Loechin   It seems like many of the…guru's are again searching for answers or intel as to where the RV is. It is not tied to Obama Care, the debt ceiling, a shutdown or any other…thing like that.  Several weeks ago I told you the important people were in fact exchanging and most thought I was nuts but now it's out and everyone agrees. Now they say we are waiting on activation but the truth is the activation has taken place. So with that said the rates are high and no delays and people are exchanging then guess what.... WE ARE NEXT.

So, every day is like the one before. You went to bed last night, thinking that today you would wake up to see this thing accomplished. You woke up and in your mind you see nothing and so once again you are hungry, seeking more.

The only thing I can tell you is the same thing you have been told repeatedly. The cards have been swiped to make this international. You should have seen the money in your accounts by now, because it IS DONE!  So, why you may ask, have you not seen this?  The reason is very simple and as old as the redwood trees in the forest. As I told you before it is all about manipulation and greed. For people who do not have money greed is synonymous with money. For the wealthy greed is u li ni gi du. (power/powerful) 

The manipulation that is playing out before your very eyes is not about he who has the most toys wins the game. It is about he who is the most u li ni gi du. I know Angeni uses my analogies a lot, but for now I want to use one of her favorite ones to explain this situation to you and I hope that you will listen. Angeni has a great distaste for bullies. She has seen many diniyotli (children)  bullied and in her profession she sees the end result of continued bullying and how it affects a life. The same thing is happening here in a bigger way. Each time you thought this was going to happen and it didn't, you can thank a bully and the people that gave in. Unfortunately , sometimes bullies use other people to get what they want and then when those people get pulled into the disarray they cannot get out. The best way to stop a bully is to stand up to them, and take your punches if you must, but if you continue to give in then the fight will just continue. Today the bully may want your seat on the bus, then tomorrow your lunch money, the next day your shoes , and then the next day your bike. The question is when does it stop? Who will have the courage to stand up to the bully? The bully tried to take the bike last night, and someone stood their ground and so the bully threw a punch(you did not get your money in your account). What will happen today? It will just depend on who is willing to stand up to whom. 

So, who do you believe? Your Tony has never lied to you. He is doing what he should do.  Listen CLOSELY to what he tells you, not only on his calls and his blasts but also in any random comments he makes as Angeni tells me he does on occasion. Do not give up in discouragement. Do not wait up every night waiting for that ka-ma-ma to land on your shoulder. Get your rest for you shall need it. The money will not go away while you are asleep, it will still be there in the morning.

Let me leave you with another good story. There is a great moral here for all to learn.

An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life. He explained to the child, "A fight is going on inside me. It is a terrible fight between two wolves.

One is evil - he is anger, hate, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt and ego.

The other is good - he is joy, confidence, peace, love, hope, courage, serenity, humility, kindness, unselfishness, service, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

This same fight is going on inside you -and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about this for a moment, then turned to his grandfather and asked, "Grand Father, if this fight is going on inside of me, how shall I know which wolf will win?"

The wise old chief turned to his grandson, smiled knowingly and replied, "It is simple my Son, the one that will win is the one you feed."

Uncle Arthur (Inola)