Thursday, October 17, 2013

Elusive RV for you and me....

So, once again we thought we would wake up this morning to see the digits in our bank accounts. How could it possibly not be happening? 

I want each of you to stop and clear your mind. Close your eyes and think with the brain God gave you. Think back over the past 3 or 4 years and look to see if there are any patterns you can see. Has anyone ever been right? No, not as far as the RV goes they have not been. However, there have been many times over the past years that both Okie and Tony have been correct, as well as anyone that then regurgitated the information either of them were given. As I said the PTB allow a certain amount of correct information to get out, just so they can gain your trust, as well as the trust of the "gurus" giving you the information. Of course one day , if they call it every day SOMEONE will get LUCKY and call it correctly :)

So, what will be the next reason for the RV eluding us? Oh, there will be one....and then the next and the next until one of two things happens. 1) The PTB get tired of playing whatever game it is that they are playing. (and believe me I cannot figure out what that game may be as it makes absolutely no sense, because what can they be profiting from this?...that is the question you need to be asking yourself) or 2) Enough of the "good guys" get tired of being bullied and force the hand, which is what I am hoping for.

There is no one, and I do mean NO ONE, that knows in advance the date this will happen. There are people that have fantastic contacts, very high up contacts, that are being given dates and rates, but those are not factual they are fictional. It is like we are on the end of a puppet string and the PTB want to watch us dance for some sadistic reason that only they know of, so they keep telling the people we have grown to trust that it is happening, today, then tomorrow, the next day etc etc.

I am not trying to discourage ANYONE, this currency exchange WILL happen, but I want each of you to stop putting your faith in mankind, stop staying up late , stop taking your cell phone to bed with you, stop putting your life on hold. LIVE your life as if you will not see this for another year. Go out and have some fun. Many of you are wasting very precious moments , waiting for this RV. Spend time with family and friends, the RV isn't going to disappear just because you are out having some fun instead of being attached at the hip to your PC or your cell phone!

So, go out and find what excites you. Pay your bills on time, do not spend money that you do not have, and live within your means. 

((hugs)) to all, with prayers for a speedy release and the strength to survive until that time comes.

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