Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Don't feed the bullies

Osda sunalei (Good morning)

So, what does it really matter? This  vi-s-vi (journey) is taking too long you say?

Angeni asked me to write another message that she can post on your forum, and I had to ask again WHY? Did you not learn to sit still and let the ka-ma-ma (butterfly)
come to you? I say that with a utsetsi ( smile)  

Why, after all you have been told by your Tony do you need anything else to calm your fears. Angeni  copied and pasted some things that were on your forum and shared them with me, asking for my opinion. I do not understand how people can get right out from under one batch of misinformation while appearing to get sucked right into another.

While your Tony is but a man as his wife always tells him, he is a good man, with a good heart, a strong mind and a deep sense of compassion. Why can you not just wait for his information to play out. Why must you always seek for more, more,more when he and others have told you this is done. 

I like this little note that Angeni sent me below. It says it all, but with some clarification needed, and lines up with what your Tony has told you.  While it is not tied to ObamaCare or the debt ceiling those things ARE being used to get what others want, so in that way they are tied into this.

 9-29-2013  Intel Guru Loechin   It seems like many of the…guru's are again searching for answers or intel as to where the RV is. It is not tied to Obama Care, the debt ceiling, a shutdown or any other…thing like that.  Several weeks ago I told you the important people were in fact exchanging and most thought I was nuts but now it's out and everyone agrees. Now they say we are waiting on activation but the truth is the activation has taken place. So with that said the rates are high and no delays and people are exchanging then guess what.... WE ARE NEXT.

So, every day is like the one before. You went to bed last night, thinking that today you would wake up to see this thing accomplished. You woke up and in your mind you see nothing and so once again you are hungry, seeking more.

The only thing I can tell you is the same thing you have been told repeatedly. The cards have been swiped to make this international. You should have seen the money in your accounts by now, because it IS DONE!  So, why you may ask, have you not seen this?  The reason is very simple and as old as the redwood trees in the forest. As I told you before it is all about manipulation and greed. For people who do not have money greed is synonymous with money. For the wealthy greed is u li ni gi du. (power/powerful) 

The manipulation that is playing out before your very eyes is not about he who has the most toys wins the game. It is about he who is the most u li ni gi du. I know Angeni uses my analogies a lot, but for now I want to use one of her favorite ones to explain this situation to you and I hope that you will listen. Angeni has a great distaste for bullies. She has seen many diniyotli (children)  bullied and in her profession she sees the end result of continued bullying and how it affects a life. The same thing is happening here in a bigger way. Each time you thought this was going to happen and it didn't, you can thank a bully and the people that gave in. Unfortunately , sometimes bullies use other people to get what they want and then when those people get pulled into the disarray they cannot get out. The best way to stop a bully is to stand up to them, and take your punches if you must, but if you continue to give in then the fight will just continue. Today the bully may want your seat on the bus, then tomorrow your lunch money, the next day your shoes , and then the next day your bike. The question is when does it stop? Who will have the courage to stand up to the bully? The bully tried to take the bike last night, and someone stood their ground and so the bully threw a punch(you did not get your money in your account). What will happen today? It will just depend on who is willing to stand up to whom. 

So, who do you believe? Your Tony has never lied to you. He is doing what he should do.  Listen CLOSELY to what he tells you, not only on his calls and his blasts but also in any random comments he makes as Angeni tells me he does on occasion. Do not give up in discouragement. Do not wait up every night waiting for that ka-ma-ma to land on your shoulder. Get your rest for you shall need it. The money will not go away while you are asleep, it will still be there in the morning.

Let me leave you with another good story. There is a great moral here for all to learn.

An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life. He explained to the child, "A fight is going on inside me. It is a terrible fight between two wolves.

One is evil - he is anger, hate, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt and ego.

The other is good - he is joy, confidence, peace, love, hope, courage, serenity, humility, kindness, unselfishness, service, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

This same fight is going on inside you -and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about this for a moment, then turned to his grandfather and asked, "Grand Father, if this fight is going on inside of me, how shall I know which wolf will win?"

The wise old chief turned to his grandson, smiled knowingly and replied, "It is simple my Son, the one that will win is the one you feed."

Uncle Arthur (Inola)

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