Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Goat Shows Her True Colors

It is obvious the goat has been smoking something a little more stronger than hopium. I hesitated to post his/her nonsense but then I realized that if I just sit silent then I am not any better than those people who continue to allow her to rant on.In the past mnt goats posts were full of wonderful things, she even Pmd me off and on. Then something happened. After her post about Syria was deleted all of a sudden a new forum was announced specifically for the goat. However, people were not so blind that they could not see what was being attempted here and so that forum was deleted and the ranting then started back on a site I happen to love very much.So what was the goats point today. Did she get a piece of metal stuck in her bum and she cannot get it out so instead she is running her butt on the ground like a dog trying to get rid of worms? Or perhaps she has turned rabid and that is why she is foaming at the mouth??? Either way is the current rant. She has to always repeat others words, starting with having to do some housecleaning...that is what Tony says when he has to take out the stinktel. I am sharing this here because so many have wanted to know what nonsese had the goat posted this here it all is

Hello Everyone,

Hope all are well. Today the skys are clear and I can see for miles on top of the mountain.

I have to do some house cleaning first in the post and this is dirty work and no one really likes to do it but it is necessary or else you sit and live in the filth. I will use yet another analogy but remember this may not apply to all members reading this post and I it is not intended for all  members. Please do not take as an insult if this does not apply to you since I do believe the majority of members on TNT are good hearted, good intended people who come here for the RV news, not gossip or anything else.  

Did you ever work on an apple orchard? In some of the larger ones they keep the apples over winter by putting them in a cold storage. They try to maintain a constant temperature all year to keep the apples fresh and crispy so we can eat and enjoy apples for many seasons. The fact of the matter is that over time some of the apples are simply going to rot and begin to smell. As they select the apples for market they have to weed out the bad ones in order to preserve the good ones. If this is not done the rotten apples will contaminate the good ones and soon the entire bunch is spoiled.  

As I wrote in my last couple posts it seems there are 80% of members on this TNT site who truly want to learn and know all sides of the information and news about this revaluation. Then there are some others (the other 20%) who are closed minded and those that are frustrated and are taking their frustrations out on those who bring the news. They corrupt the boards and fill it with nonesense.  The rest of us (the 80%) wonder just what their real intent of these members. Seems some intel presented on this site may not fit nicely  to their hopium guidelines as they are vented more on  bashing rather  then on learning. Sometimes I think their main objective is nothing more than to take over the forum and create chaos. Is this you? We need to just ignore these bad apples in the future and maybe we can all call them out for the nonesense they create.       

I was reading through responses to my posts and I have to say that my hubby sat down and read them together. We really got a laugh over some of the nonsense that has been posted in response to my news. We laughed and we laughed. You 20% of bad apples really gave us some entertainment the other night….thank you ! This was much better than watching a comedy show. We wonder how people can be so desperate and dumb. We wondered if some people really have mental disorders. Could it be maybe you fell on your head when you were a child?

Here are some samples for all to read of their more ridiculous and hilarious responses to mnt goat and I quote:  (really I am not making this up. These members really have conversations on the forum like this. This is factual. Go read their posts for yourself ). If nothing else you too may get a chuckle out of this as we did.

lionswine wrote: “Goat has been given the opportunity to disappear and I'm waiting to see if they have the morals to do so on their own”

krissgetpaid wrote: she´s 100% not from germany ....  no german native speaker will ever write "Meine Schwesterns" especially not when she/he try´s to write in englisch. For me it looks as if somebody here pretending to  be a different ... who knows who he is and what he intends. possibly to confuse us? ....  I think this is 100% BS  

 Ischmah wrote: After reading Mountain Goat post again, I'm 99.9% convinced this is not the same person.  I want to believe, I really do but something does not feel right.

Mountain Micheal wrote: Ischmah,  I,  too, noticed all of the things you noted in your post previous to the one quoted above, and I agree.   Too many things indicate that  these most recent posts by Mnt. Goat are written by someone different than the posts that were written in August.   It feels "not right" to me too, and my instincts are always right......if/when I listen to them

Ischmah wrote: To A23954, you also noticed the intentional misspellings and grammar!  This has been MORE of a concern to me than anything else.  This is very strange indeed.  Scary, really.  Because now there is not the flow of thought, it's dis-jointed and the misspelling aren't difficult words (such as Knew for new, etc for instance)  Not only does she contradict other posts but contradicts herself WITHIN the same post.  One other time she said she hiked up to the mountain peak with her small children who were playing in the meadow behind her.  Given her age and experience (guessing here) small children???? and a meadow?????How idyllic, if true.  Hiking with her laptop.  Wow, I can't get a connection in the little hills here but who is to say.  Dont want to major in the minors here, but it's the little things that are becoming so blatantly obvious to even the untrained eye.
“I am going to keep on posting until more people realize this absolutely MUST be an imposter!  This person is not the intelligent, lovely person we once knew.! IS EVERYONE DEAF, DUMB and BLIND to not recognize the inconsistencies?  She never would throw in "German" with her posts!  there is absolutely nothing in this post to even suggest this is the true Mountain Goat, but then again we don't even know who she is, do we????”

A23954 wrote: And the more we can point this out the more people are gooing to sit up and take notice. THIS IS NOT THE SAME PERSON THAT USED TO POST AS MNT GOAT!!  and it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to see obvious even a caveman should see it


By the way out of over 16,000 members on TNT it appears it is the same hand full of bad apples repeatedly are vented on starting trouble and bashing. Seems they have nothing better to do with their day then to hang around on the boards and prey on the members who try to bring good information to the other members of this forum. Seems now I’m their target and their objectives seems to be to bash my posts, my personality, misspellings, style of writing and private family life than on the real reason we come here in the first place – for constructive dinar news. Seems they never have much to say about the content of my posts since they themselves have no real intel to bring to the table. After all are we not here in TNT to figure out this dinar revaluation process together or rather are we here to bash each other and get personal? If I were all these members I would  clean up my own house first before I criticize others. Just look at all their grammar and spelling mistakes.

I can’t even begin to address this nonsense and idiotic responses to my post so please do not be disappointed (this 20%) when I do not return your hundreds of emails. Like I said prior I do not respond to idiots and my time if valuable. I now know your member ids and I will keep you in mind the next time you email me and try to get information and RV news from me. This is the behavior of a weasel. Did you ever see a weasel in action?  They have long bodies and creep along the ground and quickly run at their prey all of a sudden after pretending they are innocent and shy.

I can read the anger in these members. This is scary !  If you like I can recommend a couple good psychiatrists and maybe a few sessions may help all of you. Maybe a group session and you can all yell and scream at each other and get it all out.

But in the overall analysis I still can’t help but keep asking myself this question- if you hate or dislike mnt goat so much then why do you read my post, why do you even care about my private life or anything about me for that matter. I just don’t get it. Truly this is the behavior of stalkers and this is scary. Am I that much of a celebrity? Has my news been really spot on? Remember I too can have scans made of IP addresses and I too can revel your identities and I can have this done quicker than you know. But who really cares who are? In fact I really don’t want to know this 20% of members since you are very scary people in my opinion. Certainly not people I would bring to my dinner table or want my children to be around.  I am just here to bring RV news so we can all learn from this process. I just wanted to bring this all out in the open today since this  is getting scary and too tell you going forward I am not going to stop  my posts because of a bunch of bad apples.

Hope this news helps everyone.

Peace and Luv to ya,
mnt goat

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