Thursday, September 19, 2013

Inola's Words of Hope for 09/19/2013

Another email from Uncle Arthur. I have taken and put in (_) the meaning of words you may  not understand. Enjoy~ A23954

A little more history while you wait to see the results of what many have told you has transpired today.

As your Tony told everyone, the USA deficit has been cut down. If you remember in the past, in relationship to the Kuwait revalue, the US deficit went down and the US had a surplus.
There was a surplus because the deficit had been paid down so there was less interest on our debt.
So now you should be asking yourself how in the world has our deficit been reduced?
Your research lesson for today is to research the times where the deficit of the US has been low and we have had a surplus.  Look at what other things were going on in the world before that time and after.
In my last email to you I mentioned how the truth when heard is likened to a piano that is in tune. You do not cringe at the tone the words make, you revel in their beauty.
For today think of the beauty of the kamama (butterfly)  Think of how if you chase after it hurriedly it eludes you. If you sit quietly and still it will land on your shoulder. Amazing how much we can learn from nature and from our Nashauanit (creator). 
Do not be like kosa (sheep) led to the slaughter house, be like the yona,(I believe this means bear) brave and strong while you search for the truth.
As usdi (babies) I will only feed you milk, as I said in my other email we can overload our senses if we try to process too much information in one setting.
So, as this day of the full moon is upon us, we sit and wait for an outcome, an ending to something that has left many frustrated. Just as you can feel the warmth of the sun as it touches your body and see the leaves that are rustled by the breeze you can also see and feel the movement of this situation.

I want to leave you with some words from Ross Parmenter. He said that “True vision is always twofold. It involves emotional comprehension as well as physical perception. Yet how rarely we have either. We generally only glance at an object long enough to tag it with a name”  So have twofold vision. Do not sit here today and speak with negativity on this bounty of which you should be seeing. Just because you do not see it at this moment does not mean it has not occurred. Look beyond the obvious, and as I always tell Angeni, your perception becomes your reality so perceive all things in a good light with hope and peace within your hearts.
Now go out and do your research on the deficit. Pay close attention to world events as they pertain to this subject. As the Okie likes to say, use your knower that the Spirit gave you. Be of good spirit , relax and allow the positive energy to bring this in with the tide.

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