Another beautiful weekend, although we are still waiting to see the digits in our accounts.
After finally seeing the goat outed for who he/she truly was I had hoped we would have maybe one day free of their annoying suppositions but I didn't get that lucky.
How blind can people be? Well actually I think what caught my eye was "Bling for all to see" Which was later said to have been meant to be Blind for all to see. Well, I for one am not blind, and a Goat by any other name is still a goat.
If people would start paying attention to writing patterns they would be amazed at the OBVIOUS similarities in writing styles. So funny how someone could be posting, never ever mention having any contacts and then all of a sudden have contacts who are so high up on the food chain.
I took this little excerpt from another goat by another name post;
"Some of the people I talk to/associated with are so much closer to the top of this than I could ever imagine being, and I no longer consider them "sources". I'm talking CEOs of major financial entities, past and present, some GOV that have sat in the oval office, and private sector "contractors" that have been at this from before anyone cared about the Kurds, Saddam, or WMDs. NONE of them have ever been completely right. NONE! (Or at least they are not telling me what they really know because they can't). I can pick up the phone and call 50+ people I know in DC with several different "three letter agencies", and most of them have never even heard of dinar and those that have, are not aware of anything in particular going on. This event is so tightly controlled that even those who should know, only know their piece and the ultimate control and timing is known by maybe 10 people (IMO)?!?! My "contacts" are as confused about what is going on as the next guy. I don't share much of what I hear because it would only add to the confusion and who am I anyway? Does any of this contradict what Tony, Okie, Goat or any of them say? Nope!"
Please do NOT be fooled by this goat in a white bikini. What is even funnier is that there are people who are so gullible that once again they are falling for it because they want anyone to tell them anything. In this same post this goat in the white bikini behind the trap door states that she is tired of being told by people who have only been in this 3 + years (me???) to do their own research (Uncle Arthur via me???)
The writing styles are all the same...I don't care what you happen to call yourself , whether it is Izzy, Dr Dinar, Mnt Goat or Trap..I would bet you dollars to doughnuts if this thing drags on much longer we will see this Trap doing the same thing Mnt Goat did, a little at a time. Fool me once, shame on you..Fool me twice..shame on me....
A place to get the latest gossip on the revaluations of the Iraqi dinar, (IQD/IQN)Vietnamese dong (VND/VNN) and other currency exchanges and to discuss some of the things that really alarms me about some of the dinar related forums. (tnt dinar, and others that stifle opinions) Please join our forum at
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
The Goats been Got
The below is the latest ridiculous goat post
Raising Kinder is so interesting and yet do rewarding too. Yesterday Meine Kinder came home from school. They told me about a game they played. The teacher lined up the Kinder and whispered something in the ear of the first student in line. Then each student repeated the sentence to the next and then to the next in the same manner. When it reached the last student the message had changed so much that it was not even close the original message. We all laughed and my girls then explained to me why the teacher did this exercise. I agree that it was a nice lesson that everyone should remember. Do you know what lesson they learned in their class yesterday?
Our business of today
It’s Saturday September 28th and still we are not yet able to go to the banks and exchange. Some have been on pins and needles now since last weekend waiting for our activation of the rates. Every night now since it seems yet another heightened alert in the early hours of the morning.
I wanted to come on today and give us all a quick update of where I see we are in this Iraq dinar revaluation. If you have not yet read my last 3 posts (UU8821, 4466, 0928) it would be helpful if you did so. To do this helps in understanding this post. There is some great news today and it is all in our favor.
This post is a sensitive post. It is not about bashing any of the intel providers. It is about getting down to the bottom of why these rates sitting at the bank screens have not yet been activated. Do you not want to really know?
First I want everyone to know that I firmly believe that the UST is intentionally stalling the activation of the IQD/IQN rates in the USA just like the country of Iraq is giving false misinformation to their citizens too. It is not about whether or not it will RV. We know that for a fact it will. But the problem for me comes about with this intentional lying to the people that it is going to happen tomorrow that bothers me, when they know the process is not yet completed. If we are intelligent people we can see these stalling tactics. We are not dumb. Are we? Again it goes back to who really has the final steps to implementing this RV? What still has to be accomplished to get this done? Is it in the hands of Iraq or strictly the USA?
I am not saying the intel providers don’t believe what they are saying or that they are not passing on what their sources are saying. Some are intentionally lying and they are so obvious. But maybe some need to get better sources when time and time again nothing happens and we see no RV. Before passing on most of this information to the listeners they need to use some more transparency.
My question is now – It’s now Saturday and what will they tell us tomorrow as to why this did not yet activate? This should be interesting and maybe entertaining too. Here are just some of the reasons for the hold up so we have been told. They of course will continue their course of action until one day it does RV since with this approach they can never be wrong. Since one day always follows the next day until one day it does RV. It will be always be the next day and then they will look like heroes. Again I say they can never be wrong with this approach….or can they?
1)president has given his final signature – How many times have we heard this before? How many times must he signoff? This is funny since we are told that this is out of Iraq’s hands since they signed off. How many times must Iraq signoff? I do not take any of this information with any legitimacy.
2)private exchanges of the iqd/iqn have been completed in the last 24 hours in the u.s.a. by invitation only for select individuals – Really? I am simply amazed that they would still even be bold enough to tell us this. How many times have we heard this before?
3)technical issues, correct rates not showing up in all the banks again. But we are told there are no more technical issues over and over again. Sorry once again I think this is just stalling. I do not believe that after all the testing they did on this technical process there are still issues in this area. Even after they had a clean run last weekend?. Were we being simply lied to.
4)We are waiting for the 800/888 number so we can call in to make appointments.
Why would the exchange centers and calling centers be manned and ready for almost a year now if there has been and is no one to call in and make an appointment? In fact this is the latest reason for the activation hold up. I just do not believe this.
5)The macros in software used by operators in call in centers to manage appointments had to be revised. We were told that the centers were manned and ready for almost a year now so why all of a sudden now that when they want to activate the rates (and with such urgency so we are told) that they only now went back to revisit this call-in process when they have to us it? …and found the problems? What the heck have they been doing for the last year? Who designed and tested this software? I do not believe this could be so messed up and so incompetent. Sorry!
So what are some legitimate reasons why the rates are not activated?
From my perspective I still believe this currency revaluation process jumps back and forth from the hands of Iraq and then back to the UST in the USA. Both have had major responsibilities and roles to play in setting up for this event. The UST still has to activate the rates in the banks in the USA as that is their job but only from the direction as taked from the CBI of Iraq as it will post the final rate of the IQD/IQN on their CBI site.
I believe this delay in just an illusion. There is in reality no delay ! It was created by these intel providers that keep telling us it is going to RV any day or any second now. A delay only resides in our minds. Get it ! Its like a crazy man does not know he is crazy cause if he did he would not be crazy. Of course when it does not RV there must be always an excuse to justify it. Indeed I believe there are no delays and they are following their time table and we will see the RV as I have described in my prior three posts and now this post.
Yesterday Friday 9/27 Iraq held another one of their economic councils.
Why is this one so important? I believe this one is important because it is laying out the final pieces to implementing their next 5 year economic plan, and the plan begins (gets kicked off) by restructuring of their currency. Over the last couple months we have repeatedly read articles talking about how the value of the currency would significantly increase in value and that it was soon to go international (it has not yet gone international). Attendees to this conference included members from the GOI, Parliament, the Finance Ministry, the CBI, the World Bank and the IMF.
During this recent council they laid out the final plan and the next steps to take in this currency restructuring process as well as related topics. Discussions they talked about included not if they would revalue, but the final steps in the RV process. They talked about the pending banking laws and the implementing of the new tariffs. They talked about the official backing basket for the currency and if they met all article 8 compliance requirements. These requirements are needed to ascend in to the WTO. I am told this also will allow the full implementation of the HCL law which needs the RV for the implement. Do you remember articles telling us the Kurds has appropriated 500 and 1,000 to their citizens for surplus oil revenues? I know for a fact the Maliki stopped the payment of these funds to the Kurdistan region because HCL could not be fully implemented at that time without article 8 compliance. This can then open the door for full recognition of the IQD as an internationally recognized currency. I am told it was a very productive meeting with no political egg throwing or walkouts All agreed on the next steps. All agreed to go forward.
A huge banking meeting this weekend
My CBI contact has told me that this weekend in Baghdad there is a also a huge banking meeting to discuss what was concluded during the economic council meeting last week. The purpose of this meeting is to disseminate the needed information to the banks for implementation and the final timetables for each next step.
If you have been reading my posts for the last month you can see how we are aligning to events such as a new fiscal year and some final steps in Iraq that will lead to the timeframe planned for this RV event. The Iraq finance ministry has always stated in numerous articles that they require (not request) that any significant currency change coincide with their financial and accounting periods.
I know it is hard to wait for the RV and we all think about it everyday. It has become a part of our lives and has engrossed us. Some say they are going about their business and don’t want to know about any daily news and just want a date and a rate and when they can exchange it. I say this is very hard to do since it is like Christmas time when you see the gifts under the tree and can’t open them till Christmas morning. It is hard not to want to get involved. It is hard waiting and anticipating. But our special time is very near and I know this for a fact. Remember I have repeatedly said that we can expect to open our presents in late September early October timeframe. We are now in this timeframe. I have also said in my past post be careful what you ask for (UU0120) and even had a special three part post dedicated to this topic. I am telling you all this now more from other information I know than what I am allowed or can not post in this forum but I will reveal this information to you at post RV, if you still want to know.
It is interesting (and sometimes entertaining) to be involved deeply in this RV process as it plays out but we must also use some common sense in using the information given to us by these sources. These sources need to stall us in the USA just as Iraq has been giving false information to their citizens too. How many times have we heard that the news in Iraq is telling the people that in the coming days……da,,da,,da,, Seems this stalling tactics are now a common tool being used as these intel source disseminate these last days of propaganda. Remember we have been told many, many time upfront there would be much disinformation and lies being told as we near the finish line.
Remember also a lesson learned from the Nazi propaganda machine during WWII. Their same doctrines are being used on the world today since their records and documentation were not lost in the war. It goes something like this -[ keep the masses in a constant state of confusion and fear and they have no foundation of truth to begin the process of questioning and knowing the truth ]. We can all now see just how good they have become at this as they are using these same tactics now on us.
I am not calling the RV today or tonight but the final process is in motion and we should see it very shortly and I mean very shortly.
Hope this helps everyone.
Peace and Luv to ya,
mnt goat
And our sweet TNT's answers :) Gotta luv me some Tony and Mrs Tony
TNT - I am still looking for this before the first of Oct. All the news that I have received today still says that people have been paid at the rate of $25.87 (in Iraq and in D.C.). Your turn is coming. Now that's all the good news there is since I did the call yesterday.
It seems like every weekend, this board just goes crazy. There is always someone willing to tell you that their intel is better than anyone else's and that they are the only one who possibly know everything that is going on. I always tell you to gather as much info as you can and then fill in the missing pieces of your puzzle (this requires that you do a little work on your own and to use some common sense). No one knows 100% what is going on. Everyone gets pieces.
I get pieces from all around the globe, 3 letter agencies, boots on ground (here and Iraq), banking contacts in 5 different countries, politicians, call centers and cashout centers and a host of others.
Now if you think for one second that the entire world has gotten together and said let's all tell Tony a bunch of lies, so that he can tell everyone on his call, YOU ARE AN IDIOT (the mods will kick you out if you use this word).
First of all, I am not that important and second of all you are not that important to the PTB, that they have to devise a world wide conspiracy plan for you. I have told you several times and you should know that if they didn't want you to have this money, they would have changed the rules a long time ago. But believe what you want.
Now for the last couple of years, I have brought you information days and weeks ahead of some others, yet they have the nerve to questions my sources. There are members (haters in disguise) who have come here not because they want to hear what I have to say, but just to cause a problem or to disrupt the harmony that we have as a team. You know who they are or can find out by checking on all of the post that they have made. We know where most of them have come from, which once again is mind boggling, they didn't want us over there and yet they keep coming over here. Guys don't let them upset your weekend. The mods are watching and a plan of action is in motion. You will see the results tomorrow.
As far as challenging my information, that's ok, but calling me a liar (no matter how it is disguised) will not be tolerated by my wife (she's making me do this update). Guys I think it is ok to have open discussion, I think you are adult enough that no matter who comes over to our site to post, you will figure out who is telling the truth and who is trying to slowly manipulate you. I see some of you doing and pointing out the facts for others, but it is up to them to see it for themselves. I have constantly been trying to give you hints of things to look for in peoples character that exposes who they are. I am hoping that I am doing the right thing, because as soon as the RV is announced you will need this super power,
So let me answer some of these questions that you have regarding the latest information.
"1) The President has given his final signature – How many times have we heard this before? How many times must he signoff? This is funny since we are told that this is out of Iraq’s hands since they signed off. How many times must Iraq signoff? I do not take any of this information with any legitimacy.
Well first of all I have confirmed through the agencies in D.C., that this did in fact happen Thursday evening. Has this ever happened before, yes. Was it revoked,yes. Did I already tell you that it takes 3 signatures to accomplish this, yes.
Has Iraq signed off, yes. Was it revoked, no. Do we need them to signoff again, no. They are not in charge and have not been for quite sometime. Why someone would want you to think that Iraq could be in charge one week and the U.S. the next and then back to Iraq and back to the U.S. makes no sense to me at all. We now know that the UN took a vote on Friday and announced that Iraq was now out of Chapter 7, we know this morning that there was a news article welcoming Iraq into the WTO. If I was you, I would look up those qualifications (you might be surprised at what you see). If Iraq was in charge of the RV, there would have been a public announcement by now.
2) Private exchanges of the iqd/iqn have been completed in the last 24 hours in the U.S.A. by invitation only for select individuals – Really? I am simply amazed that they would still even be bold enough to tell us this. How many times have we heard this before?
We have heard several times that private exchanges have taken place and that people have received skrs. We have even heard that cards were loaded in Iraq and have received confirmation from boots on the ground. What we have not heard in the past but are now hearing from contractors in Iraq and from privilaged people in D.C., is that they have received or participated in a currency exchange which started late Thursday night and into Friday at the rate of $25.87. As of Friday evening this was stopped, due to the fact that the public announcement was not made as scheduled.
3) Technical issues, correct rates not showing up in all the banks again. But we are told there are no more technical issues over and over again. Sorry, once again I think this is just stalling. I do not believe that after all the testing they did on this technical process there are still issues in this area. Even after they had a clean run last weekend?. Were we being simply lied to?
I clearly stated earlier in the week that all the technical issues had been removed and that the banking systems was ready to go. I even told you about them catching those who were trying to manipulate it for personal gain. On the call I explained to you the new security system that was put in Thursday night. I even explained to you how it was put in a region at a time and why they did it this way. If someone has better info, ask them to please share.
4) We are waiting for the 800/888 number so we can call in to make appointments.
Why would the exchange centers and calling centers be manned and ready for almost a year now if there has been and is no one to call in and make an appointment? In fact this is the latest reason for the activation hold up. I just do not believe this.
They have been manning banks and call centers since Feburary. Don't forget guys this was supposed to happen in April. They had the basis for the rollout to take place, but the closer they got to actully having to do this, the more they realized that they weren't ready. This plan has been just like the RV itself (changed many times). As groups changed lately and the playing field has now been leveled amongst the banks, the rollout system had to be revamped. I know some of you think you know what it takes to complete this, but you don't. We are not talking about you calling AT&T and saying I need 5 800#s for my company and them running by Monday (which would not happen). We are talking about the UST issuing out new numbers to each bank. We are talking about each one of those banks then having to setup their call centers to process you according to their unique procedures. There is a whole lot more involved in this then you think.
Here's a good example from one of our members:
10:18 PM [psychicgrama] I just got off the phone with a very interesting man who explained to me some of what is going on with 800#. What I found out was this, they had to wait until every state & territory of the US was closed & ready to test. He said this happens with a lot of companies who set up 800 numbers. This situation is special because of security & timing. Once Hawaii, puerto rico etc were all closed down, the they have to test everyting for continuity & connectivity, its tested once, twice, so on & so on. once they arre convinced it is "live" then they turn it on & make sure it is going to stay on they make calls into the system, do transfer calls from all the satelLite banks etc. Once it is a solid working phone setup they turn everything on & sit & wait to make surethere are no "bugs" then run security taps etc. When all of that is done it will go live. I only trust this man cause he works for the GOV. Hes not personally involved but know what has to happen. Dont be surprised if this just shows up at any time"
5) The macros in software used by operators in call in centers to manage appointments had to be revised. We were told that the centers were manned and ready for almost a year now so why all of a sudden now that when they want to activate the rates (and with such urgency so we are told) that they only now went back to revisit this call-in process when they have to us it? …and found the problems? What the heck have they been doing for the last year? Who designed and tested this software? I do not believe this could be so messed up and so incompetent. Sorry!"
See above answer.
The sad part about this blast, is the fact that I had to do it at all. This is information that I've told you all week long and none of it has changed. One person came on here and gave you their opinon of what they think is going on. They explained to you how they interpreted some articles in Iraq newspapers and what they think needs to be accomplished in order for you to see the RV. While I respect everyones opinon, I don't necessarily agree with everything they say. I know for a fact that most of the things they are waiting on to be accomplished, have already been accomplished, they are just waiting to be made public. They will not be made public until the RV is announced.
So, I can say this one more time. I feel that I have some of the best connections/resources available. I fully 100% trust their information or I wouldn't be passing it on to you. I do get information at times that completes my puzzle a little more than yours, but you have to know by now that the only reason I don't pass it on is because of their security. I know we are ahead of most on receiving intel and that is most of the problem with those that disagree. We also know from experience that they do catch up, but we never hear them come back and say.......oh yeah, they were right. It really doesn't matter though, because we don't need it. All we need is the RV... Let them laugh now and tell you that we don't know what we are talking about, it's ok, this is not a competion (not to us anyway). When the end comes you will know who knew, who was just guessing and who was just trying to manipulate you for their own purpose.
Don't be surprised to see some familar faces depart this site. TNT Dinar - Tony
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Ode to goats (Just for fun)
I do not like green eggs and ham
I do not like this goat I am
I do not like the way he talks
I do not like the way he squawks
I do not like the words I see
From all his lies I try to flee
I do not like his bigoted airs
I want to push him down the stairs
Whether on the beach or on the mount
His lies are too numerous for me to count.
He makes me mad he makes me scream
He is not all that he may seem
He wants us all to pat his back
If asked a question he blows his stack.
No, I don’t like this goat I am
Nor do I like green eggs and ham J
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Why we continue to ask for more, from Uncle Arthur... INOLA
Angeni has came to me and said edutsi, what is holding this up. She says that many are frustrated, many are angry and all want answers.The previous words I shared were not plain enough? The RV has taken place internationally, this is not in Iraq's hands, because this is not just about Iraq, they are not the only country involved. The process was started when different cards were slid one after another, each in agreement with the other cards, it is as simple as that. The reason for the hold up is manipulation. Just like with our governmental parties, it is a give and take. Someone decided they wanted something else,and so a compromise was made once again. It is very hard for manipulative people to let go. If you give in to their demands once, they just come back with another demand. This time it should be enough is enough.
Angeni also asked why would people not believe the correct information they were given, yet buy into those telling them this will not happen until later. Stop and think about it. If I tell you it has happened and you should have seen this this morning, and you do not see it, you now want to know why, correct? So , now someone comes on and tells you this is not going to happen until next month, next year or some other time frame. Now you feel at peace, because although the person has no idea what they are saying they have given you a REASON, why you are not seeing this. Seems logical? Not! as Angeni would say.
I am an old man. I respected my elders, asked questions and learned but more than anything else I listened. One does not become wealthy or wise if one does not learn how to listen.
You have a great ulagu ( leader) in your Tony. I have advised many men over the years, some were as stubborn as a mule and some were as willful as an atanuja (young girl). The ones who are now successful were those who listened, who laid their own egos on the ground and listened to the words I was taught by my tsunigayvli iyulistanv (ancestors) as I relayed them back to the audience in front of me. Your Tony is such a man.
Why do you worry so much? Did not Angeni tell you my story about the birthday gift? Did she not give you the example of buying a house, signing the paperwork , knowing the house is yours, but having to wait for the closing date to occupy the property. What do most people do while they wait for the closing date so they can move into their new dream house? They start packing, they start getting ready, they make plans. They do not let their adatsosedisgi (annoyance) and impatience take over their lives and ruin their journey. As an old saying goes, life is not about the destination, life is about the journey. The end destination of life is death. So enjoy your journey. Live with udugi oyelvsv (anticipation), live with excitement.
From what Angeni tells me everyone is grasping at every straw that is handed to them to explain why they have not seen the money in their pocket yet. If I were to tell you the reason would it make it any easier for you? Would that get your ka? (attention) Only for a moment would it. Because you want to know the when. You want to know that this is going to happen on a specific date, and at a specific time. As I understand it ,Angeni told you the date, which is what got all of this started in the first place, because she was not supposed to share what she was told. You were told the date, and then you have been told by many people that the date was correct. If you could not accept the truth when it was given to you, then what good would giving you any more dates do. All you need to know is that this has happened. If I were to give you proof in the form of a receipt what good would it do you until you were the one with receipt in hand..
Angeni has asked me if this in still in Iraq's hands, My response was what sgina(bad spirit) have you been listening to that would tell you something that is so obviously false. Someone has been smoking something in their pipe besides peace if they believe that.
Do not lose hope. You have the ohisti (best) in your Tony. While you should never put your faith in man, you should always be willing to sit still and listen and think with the two ears you were given. Do not be digewi (blind) Open your eyes and see the truth. For those who keep needing the constant reassurance , keep wanting to know the why, I advise you to not play the stock market. Make no investments where you will see fluctuations because your heart and your mind will not be able to survive. All investments, even real estate , and precious metals will have their ups and downs. If you cannot weather the down trends then your health will be in jeopardy, the only thing you can do is put your money in a safe somewhere and then just pray the dollar does not devalue to a point you will notice.
Dodadagohvi (goodbye) for now, but what you are looking for will be released. Trust in what Tony is saying, for his words are udohiyu (true). Some things we are just not allowed to share with others. Some words are entrusted to us and if we break that trust then we may never get it back again. You just have to believe that this event has been completed. I can bring you words of hope, but I cannot bring you the proof you are asking for. The cards have been swiped, the process has been completed, you either accept the truth that your Tony brings or not, that is your choice. If it makes it easier for you to believe that Tony's sources are deceiving him, if it makes it easier for you to believe that this will not happen until certain things are accomplished then by all means believe that, but you cannot believe Tony and say you also believe information that is in opposition of his. While keeping an open mind is always a good thing Straddling the fence never is.
be at peace and find your center
Uncle Arthur (Inola)
Angeni also asked why would people not believe the correct information they were given, yet buy into those telling them this will not happen until later. Stop and think about it. If I tell you it has happened and you should have seen this this morning, and you do not see it, you now want to know why, correct? So , now someone comes on and tells you this is not going to happen until next month, next year or some other time frame. Now you feel at peace, because although the person has no idea what they are saying they have given you a REASON, why you are not seeing this. Seems logical? Not! as Angeni would say.
I am an old man. I respected my elders, asked questions and learned but more than anything else I listened. One does not become wealthy or wise if one does not learn how to listen.
You have a great ulagu ( leader) in your Tony. I have advised many men over the years, some were as stubborn as a mule and some were as willful as an atanuja (young girl). The ones who are now successful were those who listened, who laid their own egos on the ground and listened to the words I was taught by my tsunigayvli iyulistanv (ancestors) as I relayed them back to the audience in front of me. Your Tony is such a man.
Why do you worry so much? Did not Angeni tell you my story about the birthday gift? Did she not give you the example of buying a house, signing the paperwork , knowing the house is yours, but having to wait for the closing date to occupy the property. What do most people do while they wait for the closing date so they can move into their new dream house? They start packing, they start getting ready, they make plans. They do not let their adatsosedisgi (annoyance) and impatience take over their lives and ruin their journey. As an old saying goes, life is not about the destination, life is about the journey. The end destination of life is death. So enjoy your journey. Live with udugi oyelvsv (anticipation), live with excitement.
From what Angeni tells me everyone is grasping at every straw that is handed to them to explain why they have not seen the money in their pocket yet. If I were to tell you the reason would it make it any easier for you? Would that get your ka? (attention) Only for a moment would it. Because you want to know the when. You want to know that this is going to happen on a specific date, and at a specific time. As I understand it ,Angeni told you the date, which is what got all of this started in the first place, because she was not supposed to share what she was told. You were told the date, and then you have been told by many people that the date was correct. If you could not accept the truth when it was given to you, then what good would giving you any more dates do. All you need to know is that this has happened. If I were to give you proof in the form of a receipt what good would it do you until you were the one with receipt in hand..
Angeni has asked me if this in still in Iraq's hands, My response was what sgina(bad spirit) have you been listening to that would tell you something that is so obviously false. Someone has been smoking something in their pipe besides peace if they believe that.
Do not lose hope. You have the ohisti (best) in your Tony. While you should never put your faith in man, you should always be willing to sit still and listen and think with the two ears you were given. Do not be digewi (blind) Open your eyes and see the truth. For those who keep needing the constant reassurance , keep wanting to know the why, I advise you to not play the stock market. Make no investments where you will see fluctuations because your heart and your mind will not be able to survive. All investments, even real estate , and precious metals will have their ups and downs. If you cannot weather the down trends then your health will be in jeopardy, the only thing you can do is put your money in a safe somewhere and then just pray the dollar does not devalue to a point you will notice.
Dodadagohvi (goodbye) for now, but what you are looking for will be released. Trust in what Tony is saying, for his words are udohiyu (true). Some things we are just not allowed to share with others. Some words are entrusted to us and if we break that trust then we may never get it back again. You just have to believe that this event has been completed. I can bring you words of hope, but I cannot bring you the proof you are asking for. The cards have been swiped, the process has been completed, you either accept the truth that your Tony brings or not, that is your choice. If it makes it easier for you to believe that Tony's sources are deceiving him, if it makes it easier for you to believe that this will not happen until certain things are accomplished then by all means believe that, but you cannot believe Tony and say you also believe information that is in opposition of his. While keeping an open mind is always a good thing Straddling the fence never is.
be at peace and find your center
Uncle Arthur (Inola)
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Inola's Words of Hope for 09/19/2013
Another email from Uncle Arthur. I have taken and put in (_) the meaning of words you may not understand. Enjoy~ A23954
A little more history while you wait to see the results of what many have told you has transpired today.
As your Tony told everyone, the USA deficit has been cut down. If you remember in the past, in relationship to the Kuwait revalue, the US deficit went down and the US had a surplus.
There was a surplus because the deficit had been paid down so there was less interest on our debt.
So now you should be asking yourself how in the world has our deficit been reduced?
Your research lesson for today is to research the times where the deficit of the US has been low and we have had a surplus. Look at what other things were going on in the world before that time and after.
In my last email to you I mentioned how the truth when heard is likened to a piano that is in tune. You do not cringe at the tone the words make, you revel in their beauty.
For today think of the beauty of the kamama (butterfly) Think of how if you chase after it hurriedly it eludes you. If you sit quietly and still it will land on your shoulder. Amazing how much we can learn from nature and from our Nashauanit (creator).
Do not be like kosa (sheep) led to the slaughter house, be like the yona,(I believe this means bear) brave and strong while you search for the truth.
As usdi (babies) I will only feed you milk, as I said in my other email we can overload our senses if we try to process too much information in one setting.
So, as this day of the full moon is upon us, we sit and wait for an outcome, an ending to something that has left many frustrated. Just as you can feel the warmth of the sun as it touches your body and see the leaves that are rustled by the breeze you can also see and feel the movement of this situation.
I want to leave you with some words from Ross Parmenter. He said that “True vision is always twofold. It involves emotional comprehension as well as physical perception. Yet how rarely we have either. We generally only glance at an object long enough to tag it with a name” So have twofold vision. Do not sit here today and speak with negativity on this bounty of which you should be seeing. Just because you do not see it at this moment does not mean it has not occurred. Look beyond the obvious, and as I always tell Angeni, your perception becomes your reality so perceive all things in a good light with hope and peace within your hearts.
Now go out and do your research on the deficit. Pay close attention to world events as they pertain to this subject. As the Okie likes to say, use your knower that the Spirit gave you. Be of good spirit , relax and allow the positive energy to bring this in with the tide.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Words of wisdom from Inola
Please clear your mind and cleanse your Spirit. Your purpose
in this journey cannot be fulfilled with a mind that is not focused. Hear only the tones of truth. The truth
resonates within ones Spirit, the lack of truth is just the opposite; it is like
a piano that is out of tune. You cannot
hear a beautiful melody played on an out of tune piano my little Cha’kwaina
You have asked me to allow you to share my knowledge with
the masses. I am willing to share what I
know but only in a way that brings the reader to the truth after his own
research, and questioning the things he thinks he knows. I also am asking that
you do NOT respond to any negativity, that is not our purpose. Our purpose is
to discern the truth, speak it and it can either fall on fertile ground and be
heard or it can fall on rocky ground and the Dark One can pluck it up before it
takes root.
As your red leather bound book tells you, the Dark One is
here to seek out who he can destroy. That is why all the unrest is surrounding
You were never meant to share the knowledge you were given,
even in a roundabout way Angeni, by doing so you have opened the door to all
the discord that is now being sown.
So let us look at some of the information that is being
tossed about in the wind and therein will lay both the questions and the
answers. I will only leave you one bit of information to chew on at a time.
When we bring too much noise into our Spirit we do not discern the truth
because we do not hear or read with clarity. So here is my one question
I listen along with you to the calls and
conversations of many, I also try to decipher the grains of truth from the
million sands of sound. Your Tony is saying this can happen at any moment. You yourself know this to be true from the
intel that has been provided to you.
So ask yourself this question: You have seen the
facts by many that the RV did occur in country back in August, even those who
are a follower of Mnt Goat can look at her post of 08/14/13 and see that she too stated that to
be fact, she was in agreement with Tony, Okie, and others. So why now would
anyone claim that this is back in Iraq’s hands? Why could this go to late
October or even into 2014 as some claim?
Research this, and then listen to your spirit and the piano will finally
be in tune. You cannot truly hear a song that is played on a piano that is out
of tune. Tony’s piano has continued to play a beautiful melody and he has told
you the time is now.
This may seem like a very simple question with a very simple answer. I
know that you Angeni, will understand my words if you only be still and listen.
I hope there will be others who will understand this if you post it. You cannot
overload people with too much information that is what has caused this discord.
How do you deescalate those in the groups that you run. I know there is a big difference between
being online and in person but use the skills you have. Also remember that when
you are trying to teach your patients a new task you make sure they understand
one task before you move on to another. That is the same for teaching any
information, you cannot overload the senses.
This is a continuing story, but please do not use your acronym URAA
because I happen to know what you mean by it and that is not in harmony with
what we are trying to teach. Instead if you must use an acronym use KISS0918
and that stands for Keep It Short and Simple. Our Goga is almost over and we
hope that the Spirits will allow this ride to end before all become kakawangwa.
Arthur “Inola”
Ode to Reality
Ode to Reality
Oh dear forest strong and true
Within your leaves there lies a clue
If your grass is lush and brightly green
The summers sun it has been seen
But when the grass is dry and brown
It means that winter can be found
Just like the forest life gives us clues
If something's red why call it blue?
God gave us eyes for all to see
We close them tight, we let it be
The truth cries out, its obvious
We see the lie, oblivious
Its easier to close our eyes
And easier still to believe the lies
But life goes on, and so it must
I hang on tight , in truth I trust
I read the words, I keep the best
Hold to the truth , spit out the rest
Some try to teach , they really try
But as time goes on they say good bye
For after a while, the lies get old
The truth is frozen out by cold
My hope for you as we come to the end
Is that you learn the difference between foe and friend
So live your lives and have some fun
Cause I am gone, I now am done
Oh dear forest strong and true
Within your leaves there lies a clue
If your grass is lush and brightly green
The summers sun it has been seen
But when the grass is dry and brown
It means that winter can be found
Just like the forest life gives us clues
If something's red why call it blue?
God gave us eyes for all to see
We close them tight, we let it be
The truth cries out, its obvious
We see the lie, oblivious
Its easier to close our eyes
And easier still to believe the lies
But life goes on, and so it must
I hang on tight , in truth I trust
I read the words, I keep the best
Hold to the truth , spit out the rest
Some try to teach , they really try
But as time goes on they say good bye
For after a while, the lies get old
The truth is frozen out by cold
My hope for you as we come to the end
Is that you learn the difference between foe and friend
So live your lives and have some fun
Cause I am gone, I now am done
Who is this blonde horse?
xxxx wrote:
xxxxxx wrote:
Seriously? The dept asked for directions, but she answered literally to "how to get there" i.e. a vehicle and to use their vehicle, the ladder truck.
lmbo........oh, I get it. But, I was thinking she was saying go to the house that has a Big Red Truck in the
I have to agree with are definately an honorary blonde now! Too funny!
So just who is Appaloosa? She says she works for the government yet she cannot even understand the simplest of jokes and this is not the first one .
I am told I need to consider the sources...and so I am considering them...Considering how in the world people could be so clueless....I find App and her continued bashing to be hilarious to be quite honest as well as her constant winking at me.
So, who is the real horse?? Who is the real goat??? Are there really people who work for our government that could possibly have NOT gotten that joke The answer remains to be seen.
xxxxxx wrote:
Seriously? The dept asked for directions, but she answered literally to "how to get there" i.e. a vehicle and to use their vehicle, the ladder truck.
lmbo........oh, I get it. But, I was thinking she was saying go to the house that has a Big Red Truck in the
I have to agree with are definately an honorary blonde now! Too funny!
So just who is Appaloosa? She says she works for the government yet she cannot even understand the simplest of jokes and this is not the first one .
I am told I need to consider the sources...and so I am considering them...Considering how in the world people could be so clueless....I find App and her continued bashing to be hilarious to be quite honest as well as her constant winking at me.
So, who is the real horse?? Who is the real goat??? Are there really people who work for our government that could possibly have NOT gotten that joke The answer remains to be seen.
Stay tuned for further updates as we investigate this mystery. Perhaps we should remember that laughter is the best medicine :):) So here is your dose of laughter for today in this joke...
The Goat Shows Her True Colors
It is obvious the goat has been smoking something a little more stronger than hopium. I hesitated to post his/her nonsense but then I realized that if I just sit silent then I am not any better than those people who continue to allow her to rant on.In the past mnt goats posts were full of wonderful things, she even Pmd me off and on. Then something happened. After her post about Syria was deleted all of a sudden a new forum was announced specifically for the goat. However, people were not so blind that they could not see what was being attempted here and so that forum was deleted and the ranting then started back on a site I happen to love very much.So what was the goats point today. Did she get a piece of metal stuck in her bum and she cannot get it out so instead she is running her butt on the ground like a dog trying to get rid of worms? Or perhaps she has turned rabid and that is why she is foaming at the mouth??? Either way is the current rant. She has to always repeat others words, starting with having to do some housecleaning...that is what Tony says when he has to take out the stinktel. I am sharing this here because so many have wanted to know what nonsese had the goat posted this here it all is
Hello Everyone,
Hope all are well. Today the skys are clear and I can see for miles on top of the mountain.
I have to do some house cleaning first in the post and this is dirty work and no one really likes to do it but it is necessary or else you sit and live in the filth. I will use yet another analogy but remember this may not apply to all members reading this post and I it is not intended for all members. Please do not take as an insult if this does not apply to you since I do believe the majority of members on TNT are good hearted, good intended people who come here for the RV news, not gossip or anything else.
Did you ever work on an apple orchard? In some of the larger ones they keep the apples over winter by putting them in a cold storage. They try to maintain a constant temperature all year to keep the apples fresh and crispy so we can eat and enjoy apples for many seasons. The fact of the matter is that over time some of the apples are simply going to rot and begin to smell. As they select the apples for market they have to weed out the bad ones in order to preserve the good ones. If this is not done the rotten apples will contaminate the good ones and soon the entire bunch is spoiled.
As I wrote in my last couple posts it seems there are 80% of members on this TNT site who truly want to learn and know all sides of the information and news about this revaluation. Then there are some others (the other 20%) who are closed minded and those that are frustrated and are taking their frustrations out on those who bring the news. They corrupt the boards and fill it with nonesense. The rest of us (the 80%) wonder just what their real intent of these members. Seems some intel presented on this site may not fit nicely to their hopium guidelines as they are vented more on bashing rather then on learning. Sometimes I think their main objective is nothing more than to take over the forum and create chaos. Is this you? We need to just ignore these bad apples in the future and maybe we can all call them out for the nonesense they create.
I was reading through responses to my posts and I have to say that my hubby sat down and read them together. We really got a laugh over some of the nonsense that has been posted in response to my news. We laughed and we laughed. You 20% of bad apples really gave us some entertainment the other night….thank you ! This was much better than watching a comedy show. We wonder how people can be so desperate and dumb. We wondered if some people really have mental disorders. Could it be maybe you fell on your head when you were a child?
Here are some samples for all to read of their more ridiculous and hilarious responses to mnt goat and I quote: (really I am not making this up. These members really have conversations on the forum like this. This is factual. Go read their posts for yourself ). If nothing else you too may get a chuckle out of this as we did.
lionswine wrote: “Goat has been given the opportunity to disappear and I'm waiting to see if they have the morals to do so on their own”
krissgetpaid wrote: she´s 100% not from germany .... no german native speaker will ever write "Meine Schwesterns" especially not when she/he try´s to write in englisch. For me it looks as if somebody here pretending to be a different ... who knows who he is and what he intends. possibly to confuse us? .... I think this is 100% BS
Ischmah wrote: After reading Mountain Goat post again, I'm 99.9% convinced this is not the same person. I want to believe, I really do but something does not feel right.
Mountain Micheal wrote: Ischmah, I, too, noticed all of the things you noted in your post previous to the one quoted above, and I agree. Too many things indicate that these most recent posts by Mnt. Goat are written by someone different than the posts that were written in August. It feels "not right" to me too, and my instincts are always right......if/when I listen to them
Ischmah wrote: To A23954, you also noticed the intentional misspellings and grammar! This has been MORE of a concern to me than anything else. This is very strange indeed. Scary, really. Because now there is not the flow of thought, it's dis-jointed and the misspelling aren't difficult words (such as Knew for new, etc for instance) Not only does she contradict other posts but contradicts herself WITHIN the same post. One other time she said she hiked up to the mountain peak with her small children who were playing in the meadow behind her. Given her age and experience (guessing here) small children???? and a meadow?????How idyllic, if true. Hiking with her laptop. Wow, I can't get a connection in the little hills here but who is to say. Dont want to major in the minors here, but it's the little things that are becoming so blatantly obvious to even the untrained eye.
“I am going to keep on posting until more people realize this absolutely MUST be an imposter! This person is not the intelligent, lovely person we once knew.! IS EVERYONE DEAF, DUMB and BLIND to not recognize the inconsistencies? She never would throw in "German" with her posts! there is absolutely nothing in this post to even suggest this is the true Mountain Goat, but then again we don't even know who she is, do we????”
A23954 wrote: And the more we can point this out the more people are gooing to sit up and take notice. THIS IS NOT THE SAME PERSON THAT USED TO POST AS MNT GOAT!! and it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to see obvious even a caveman should see it
By the way out of over 16,000 members on TNT it appears it is the same hand full of bad apples repeatedly are vented on starting trouble and bashing. Seems they have nothing better to do with their day then to hang around on the boards and prey on the members who try to bring good information to the other members of this forum. Seems now I’m their target and their objectives seems to be to bash my posts, my personality, misspellings, style of writing and private family life than on the real reason we come here in the first place – for constructive dinar news. Seems they never have much to say about the content of my posts since they themselves have no real intel to bring to the table. After all are we not here in TNT to figure out this dinar revaluation process together or rather are we here to bash each other and get personal? If I were all these members I would clean up my own house first before I criticize others. Just look at all their grammar and spelling mistakes.
I can’t even begin to address this nonsense and idiotic responses to my post so please do not be disappointed (this 20%) when I do not return your hundreds of emails. Like I said prior I do not respond to idiots and my time if valuable. I now know your member ids and I will keep you in mind the next time you email me and try to get information and RV news from me. This is the behavior of a weasel. Did you ever see a weasel in action? They have long bodies and creep along the ground and quickly run at their prey all of a sudden after pretending they are innocent and shy.
I can read the anger in these members. This is scary ! If you like I can recommend a couple good psychiatrists and maybe a few sessions may help all of you. Maybe a group session and you can all yell and scream at each other and get it all out.
But in the overall analysis I still can’t help but keep asking myself this question- if you hate or dislike mnt goat so much then why do you read my post, why do you even care about my private life or anything about me for that matter. I just don’t get it. Truly this is the behavior of stalkers and this is scary. Am I that much of a celebrity? Has my news been really spot on? Remember I too can have scans made of IP addresses and I too can revel your identities and I can have this done quicker than you know. But who really cares who are? In fact I really don’t want to know this 20% of members since you are very scary people in my opinion. Certainly not people I would bring to my dinner table or want my children to be around. I am just here to bring RV news so we can all learn from this process. I just wanted to bring this all out in the open today since this is getting scary and too tell you going forward I am not going to stop my posts because of a bunch of bad apples.
Hope this news helps everyone.
Peace and Luv to ya,
mnt goat
Monday, September 9, 2013
MNT GOAT FROM 09/07/13
Hi Everyone,
I have a headache today. Yesterday I had a very long and informative yet disturbing conversation with one of my dear friends from one of your intelligence organizations. I really take no pleasure today in having to post this information but it does relate directly to our investment in the revaluation of the Iraq dinar. This post has direct bearing as to why this revaluation has been held up so many times. I know of no reason why my contact would lie to me. We have mutual friends.
Hope you don’t mind but this is going to be one of my very long post again. So put on your reading There is just so much news and I feel it is now more urgent more than ever to share this with you. You must understand what is really going on in the background.
Today, as I compose this post, I sit at the edge of a cliff. It is a rocky cliff, I am in the Alpine mountains once again and I can overlook my entire Bavarian village in below. I came to this point because this is where I do most of my heavy thinking. The kind of thinking needed to find a way I can relate all this news to you fine people. Yes…. I have my lap top and my two daughters who also hiked up with me today. They are playing in the meadow behind me and I can hear them giggling and having fun. I only wish that everyone could experience the joy that these two kinder bring me. Anyhow let’s get down to our business of today.
It is most important to address some issues in dealing with Syria, the government of Iraq and how all these entities effect the Iraq currency revaluation. I will tell you about some deceptions and some lies that have been perpetrated on us and the Iraq people. I had to do a bit of detective work, investigation and phone calls to get this information but I got it. I will try to tell my news in a chronological order as a story so it makes sense to you. There are so many twists and turns in this plot that it may make you sick to your stomach. It reminds me of a brown bear clawing its prey until it no longer moves.
Let me add that I believe your President Mr. Obama has been chosen for this job. He has chosen the “road most taken”. He loves being in the White House, traveling, diplomacy and the glamour and prestige of being the president of the United States. It is unfortunate for the entire world too that he can not put all this aside and live up to some basic ethical principles. Seems maybe he too has sold his soul to the devil. He was technically elected into his position by popular vote however in reality he was supported and sent there by the elite. You see- he must report to a second layer of government. He is just a figure head just like the queen of England is for Great Britain but maybe a little more power for civil decisions that don’t concern the elite’s plans. He is told to run his country but don’t cross the line. He is like an old fashion English governor from the 1700’s taking care of his colony. Unfortunately this is not the way it is supposed to be. Right ? What is going on here?
Last week president Obama looked at all the options with Syria and made a decision not to engage with that country through the planned saturation bombings. He was concerned about the potential for any innocent lives that might be lost. He decided to try another approach and he was dead against this proposed bombings scenario. I know this for a fact. This other approach I will reveal to you at this time. This other approach was presented to the top level and was not accepted. They wanted more immediate results since the timeline now for Syria is running the clock. They already tried it another way over the last year but with no final conclusions. They are growing impatient. President Obama is also getting pressure from some other people to stick to ”the plan”. They think they need this war and will have their final results. It is a shame the US is going to use the remainder of its wealth to conduct this war. This is one last desperate attempt for imperialism to plunder the riches of this region.
After getting this information I said to myself- who the hell runs the country of the USA anyhow? I thought you guys elected a president to make the final security decisions of your nation based on sound intelligence from all the cabinet members not some secret elite society.
Any kind of action from any country on Syria would be illegal without the UN Security Council permission. They have tried and tried to negotiate with Syria already. This phase is now over. They do not have much oil or other valuable resources in any quantity. So why are they so concerned about Syria. It can also easily be used as a strategic staging areas for the logistics and air bases they will need for a later full scale invasion of first Lebanon and then Iran (if they do not tote the line). They plan once again to use the Iranian nuclear buildup as their focus for this action later. They will use terrorist camps as an excuse to bomb Lebanon and this will escalate. For now Syria is the main focus. This will be their crisis to get US citizens all concerned to go along with this attack when the time comes. So they think. They have already primed the pump. Have you been hearing about this saran gas attacks yet in your news? It is now a know fact that these gas attacks were mostly fabricated and the limited gassing was done with old saran gas with limited effects. Most of the dead shown on you news were bodies shot from prior rebel actions. It is known that the rebels are responsible not Assad’s government. Units of B-2 bombers have already been relocated and bombs with nuclear warheads also have been relocated. It seems actions are already underway. When will the bombs begin to drop? Obama is supposed to have a speech to the world on the topic next Tuesday.
Here is the important statement to remember – it is not now about just invading Syria and then backing off as they did with Iraq and waiting for he 10 years as they have done. This time they are going after three countries and this game plan includes all three. This is going to be a long war. Expect long gasoline lines and expensive gasoline. Expect the cost of heating oil too to rise. Also consider this – will the US actually be attacked in this war? Is this actually what they want to happen? I believe this is a real possibility that the US will be bombed during this war.
By the way I do not think they plan to return to this region again after Syria with all their equipment and soldiers. They are not openly saying it now but I really think they are going after three birds with one stone – Syria, Lebanon and Iran.
They also have plans to reinstate the DRAFT once this Syrian conflict goes into full swing and a major ground attack begins with boots on the ground. I think this will be a long war and they will need all the warm bodies they can get. Lets hope they stay warm.
Let not forget about Israel and Turkey. They also made promises to USA to support them in this effort and I think they will keep their part of the bargain. I am not sure on their full commitment yet and how they play into all this. I am researching this now.
Once Syria, Lebanon and Iran are neutralized there is a part of the overall “plan” to use the Muslims and spread them throughout strategic areas of the world to do the dirty work of the elite. They are good for this and the elite knows they are easily bribed, easy to brainwash and they know that they can do the dirty work necessary. I will not get into this dirty work yet, but if allowed and we have time before the RV, I may. Pay attention to the large influx of Muslims into your country. Look for the mosque being erected in very conspicuous places. This is being done intentionally. I already see it in Germany. Do you already begin to see it in your country? I am telling you this not because I do not like the Muslims. I am telling you because this because this is part of the big plan and if you pay attention you don’t have to take my word for it. You can see for yourself. Of course you can always ask you gov’t why so many Muslims all of a sudden.
How does this effect our IQD investment?
Everything is related. It is very difficult for me to just give you a date and rate without telling the whole story. This is not a short story and it is a story about some bad people doing bad things and how they kept stalling the RV. Are you ready? I hope I don’t scare anyone in the process. I have written this almost word for word as I received it.
Everything is related. It is very difficult for me to just give you a date and rate without telling the whole story. This is not a short story and it is a story about some bad people doing bad things and how they kept stalling the RV. Are you ready? I hope I don’t scare anyone in the process. I have written this almost word for word as I received it.
Here is the story
Remember all these articles and events coming in the news about Iraq over the past couple years. These events did not just happen by incident. There is a reason for everything. Connect the pieces and the picture of the puzzle suddenly and almost weirdly becomes clear. Of course having someone at the top levels telling me the story helps too…lol…We will see clearly now.
Remember all these articles and events coming in the news about Iraq over the past couple years. These events did not just happen by incident. There is a reason for everything. Connect the pieces and the picture of the puzzle suddenly and almost weirdly becomes clear. Of course having someone at the top levels telling me the story helps too…lol…We will see clearly now.
Let me explain. If you have been paying attention over the last couple years what did we see happen in Iraq? How is this relevant with what is now happening in Syria? I will show you.
First we read about the number one terrorist in the Iraq prison system “The Duke”. He got released and this release was supported by the prime minister Nori Al Maliki . He did not escape he was released. We all hated Maliki for this and we said he was a crazy man. We all wondered just how he got away with this and how this guy could just walk away so easily. The occupying US special forces helped put him in prison. In fact the US wanted to take him back to the USA to stand trail but Iraq at the time said they would do it and it would set an example to all people not to join terrorist organizations. Almost 10 years later still no trial. Did the US make a stink when he was let go? Nope ! Where is “the Duke” today? Read on I will tell you.
Next we read about the two recent prison breakouts around and in Baghdad. Originally they said in the news there were 1,500 prisoners. I remember. Am I going crazy? Do you remember? Then all of sudden the story was changed to only 500. Why? Cause that is all they conveniently managed to catch and return to prison. These are the ones they wanted to catch. A show of vigilance and “good work”, a pat on the back! Kudos! Was this just to satisfy the people? Did in fact another 1,000 prisoners just disappear. I also remember them hijacking a number of buses and execution style killing the drivers and driving away. Never heard this version of the story again. None of these prisoners were recaptured.
Where do you think they went ?
I know for a fact the Duke was let go to begin new terrorist operations in Syria. This is what he does. This was partof the plan. They wanted to see if the terrorists (rebles) could take down Assad. They were attempting to do this without getting the USA offically/publically involved. The group of 1,500 prisoners were actually let go at his request. Since when does a terrorist make requests? How did Maliki communicate with the Duke once he was out of prison?
I know for a fact the Duke was let go to begin new terrorist operations in Syria. This is what he does. This was partof the plan. They wanted to see if the terrorists (rebles) could take down Assad. They were attempting to do this without getting the USA offically/publically involved. The group of 1,500 prisoners were actually let go at his request. Since when does a terrorist make requests? How did Maliki communicate with the Duke once he was out of prison?
Now we see the reason for breaking them out of prison in the first place? It all ties together. How did Maliki plan and orchestrate it? Did someone tell him to do it?
I am hearing he was given a direct order from the US gov’t CIA to do.
I am hearing he was given a direct order from the US gov’t CIA to do.
So why is he still the PM since he aided and embedded terrorists?
Seems to me he committed treason according to Iraq law. The worst crime and punishable by death according to Iraq law.
Seems to me he committed treason according to Iraq law. The worst crime and punishable by death according to Iraq law.
What the heck is going on here?
So these prisoners where transported to join the Duke in Syria to fight Assad ! Of course now I get it. Do you? This was the plan and it was Sec of State John Kerry’s visit to talk to Maliki that solidified the plan even more. We all thought he came over to Iraq to reprimand and to spank Maliki for all the bad things he had been doing -didn’t we?…we have all been taken for suckers !
Read on it gets even juicier.
So these terrorists were let out of prison and it was a plan orchestrated not so much from Maliki but by the USA. Surprise surprise, surprise! I am beginning to sound like Gomer Pyle USMC,,,lol…
So these terrorists were let out of prison and it was a plan orchestrated not so much from Maliki but by the USA. Surprise surprise, surprise! I am beginning to sound like Gomer Pyle USMC,,,lol…
This is where is gets interesting. It was made to look like a breakout. Maliki was and still is their patsy. This is why he will never be tried for his crimes or leave his position as prime minister until he has done all the dirty work necessary for the USA. The USA is protecting him. They may need him again for yet more prison breaks or god only knows what. We have not yet seen the RV since they need him around and since the deal was that he leaves 30 days post RV they must hold up the RV unless they make another deal. I have not yet heard of any more deals in this matter but with all the pressure building I am keeping my eyes wide open for it. This could be a sign they had enough and are willing to sacrifice living with Maliki till 2014 in lieu of getting there RV. If for some strange reason this RV goes into 2014 and no new deal is made than it will only confirm what I have just said. Personally I can’t imagine how they could let this go that long.
Here is how it all began
Remember all this stuff about a no–confidence vote in 2012 beginning around the April timeframe? It was all real and they intended to take Maliki out then and then go with the RV in July. Remember the influx of all those articles? They didn’t write all that stuff for nothing. They really intended to go through with it. We really could have had our RV in July…no kidding ! Talibani was leading the effort to get rid of this guy.
Remember all this stuff about a no–confidence vote in 2012 beginning around the April timeframe? It was all real and they intended to take Maliki out then and then go with the RV in July. Remember the influx of all those articles? They didn’t write all that stuff for nothing. They really intended to go through with it. We really could have had our RV in July…no kidding ! Talibani was leading the effort to get rid of this guy.
But with this new crisis in Syria gearing up and little to no progress happening they needed Maliki and the USA was getting desperate to have success on the ground. The USA was having talks with Assad at this time. They were attempting to convince him to step down peacefully. It did not work. Then they offered him a nice cozy home and lots of money in a nice place of his choice. This did not work. Then they began to play hard ball and threatened to take him out forcefully. This did not work. He said he was going to stay.
This is when the USA first began to think about using the terrorists in Syria and began to work with them closely to coordinate this future effort. But the terrorist with “The Duke” at the helm were not successful in what they had done so far. They informed this to the USA. They reported they needed were yet more men, supplies and weapons. They changed their name to rebels at this time so the exposure to terrorism would not be connected to them. I thought they also were called Freedom Fighters? I have not heard that term in a long while. I wonder why?
Here comes the needed supplies and weapons
The Maliki $4.3 billion Russian Arms Deal was nothing more that the USA trying to use Iraq to buy weapons for the terrorist (rebels) in Syria and use the Trade Bank of Iraq and/or the CBI to pay for them. After all the elite own the CBI anyhow. They intended to use part of the 72 billion in the CBI reserves at this time for this purpose. How could they RV in July 2012 if they intended to use up some of the reserves intended for the currency revaluation? They could not do the RV and it was held up again and announced it was postponed until January 2013 (our hearts sunk) with the hope they could dip into these reserves. Remember when Iraq said in July 2012 that the RV was postponed to January of the next year. This is the main reason why.
The Maliki $4.3 billion Russian Arms Deal was nothing more that the USA trying to use Iraq to buy weapons for the terrorist (rebels) in Syria and use the Trade Bank of Iraq and/or the CBI to pay for them. After all the elite own the CBI anyhow. They intended to use part of the 72 billion in the CBI reserves at this time for this purpose. How could they RV in July 2012 if they intended to use up some of the reserves intended for the currency revaluation? They could not do the RV and it was held up again and announced it was postponed until January 2013 (our hearts sunk) with the hope they could dip into these reserves. Remember when Iraq said in July 2012 that the RV was postponed to January of the next year. This is the main reason why.
So fast forward to December 2012 / January in 2013
So the arms deal was a bust. There was other corruption and payoffs associated with it. We still heard that Maliki made yet other trips to Russia to try to get these arms. Again no RV in January either. he still hoped to use the CBI reserves. He just had taken over the CBI in December and this was a real possibility. It was not all in vain since he did get some money but was stopped mainly by the finance minister. Later he tried to kill him but missed since he was not in his office at the time. He cleaned out the ministry office and jailed everyone. A clear official explanation has never been given for this action. This assassination attempt and harassment was to prevent exposure to this plot to use the arms to supply the Syrian terrorists to the people of Iraq.
So the arms deal was a bust. There was other corruption and payoffs associated with it. We still heard that Maliki made yet other trips to Russia to try to get these arms. Again no RV in January either. he still hoped to use the CBI reserves. He just had taken over the CBI in December and this was a real possibility. It was not all in vain since he did get some money but was stopped mainly by the finance minister. Later he tried to kill him but missed since he was not in his office at the time. He cleaned out the ministry office and jailed everyone. A clear official explanation has never been given for this action. This assassination attempt and harassment was to prevent exposure to this plot to use the arms to supply the Syrian terrorists to the people of Iraq.
So to make a long story short, Maliki did eventually get some outdated Russian WW2 operational tanks but the terrorist do not work this way and had no need for them. They also are not trained in tank warfare or the operations of the tanks. Will they now be used? Maybe. We should pay attention if this war escalates in Syria and see what hardware they are using.
Here is another coincidence for ya.
Just saying…Just recently US armor school personnel in Fort Benning, GA just completed a 2 week briefing and instructions on firing and operating these same WW2 Russian tanks. Coincidence? I don’t think so. It sounds almost unbelievable but I think either they plan to train the terrorists in Syria on how to maintain, operate, aim and fire these tanks or the US military themselves plan to use them in Syria.
Just saying…Just recently US armor school personnel in Fort Benning, GA just completed a 2 week briefing and instructions on firing and operating these same WW2 Russian tanks. Coincidence? I don’t think so. It sounds almost unbelievable but I think either they plan to train the terrorists in Syria on how to maintain, operate, aim and fire these tanks or the US military themselves plan to use them in Syria.
So Maliki knew in December 2012 he was going to try to pay for this arms deal with Russia and needed the CBI. This is why he replaced Dr. Shabibi at that time. He felt there was no way he could ever get the funding needed while DR Sabibi headed the CBI so he tried something else. Just get rid of Dr.Shabibi….problem solved. He actually got away with this bizarre move on the CBI . The UN and the US sat back and did absolutely nothing. I mean nothing! Why? because they supported this action my Maliki. We all read articles on this back then and could not believe nothing was being done to stop this takeover. We said where is the justice over in Iraq? Remember? . Dr Shabibi, an honest man also got fed up with the lack of support by the UN or the US for the monetary policy and took off to his vacation home in Europe, where he now operates. He was warned that this conspiracy was coming to take over the CBI. So he flew the coupe. At least they did that much for him and allowed him to escape unharmed. After all he is part of the CBI and has done a lot of great work for the elite in the past. He is truly one of the “boys”.
Maliki really wanted this funding for the arms deal and he almost got it too. Except there were still many good, honest politicians in Iraq and they investigated what was going on. So the funds were blocked and it was made to look like Maliki was the bad guy when in fact this plot was instigated by the US all along. You see Maliki is their patsy so he takes all the heat. The US is never publicly involved. This is why they need him to stay in power. Basically a huge cover up and as it almost was exposed too. Now I ask you this – did Maliki get charged with corruption for this yet? Why? I think you now know the answer.
Let’t talk about what happened to Talibani in all this mess
Now that you know the drama of what happened, in what I just stated above, if I was to tell you that the Iraq president Talibani was one of the “good guys” and apposed all of this foul play by the USA and the constant interference in his country’s affairs and still he wanted to do a no confidence vote on Maliki – what do you think then would have happened to him? They told him repeatedly to back down. We all know the outcome. He almost went to visit JFK or at least they tried to give him a one way ticket for the trip but missed. Sad is it not? This is how these elite operate. They care about no one and have no feelings for humanity. I kind of like the old pot bellied, smiling Talibani. He is a good soul.
Now that you know the drama of what happened, in what I just stated above, if I was to tell you that the Iraq president Talibani was one of the “good guys” and apposed all of this foul play by the USA and the constant interference in his country’s affairs and still he wanted to do a no confidence vote on Maliki – what do you think then would have happened to him? They told him repeatedly to back down. We all know the outcome. He almost went to visit JFK or at least they tried to give him a one way ticket for the trip but missed. Sad is it not? This is how these elite operate. They care about no one and have no feelings for humanity. I kind of like the old pot bellied, smiling Talibani. He is a good soul.
Iraqi soldiers in Syria
Also did you read any of the articles about this timeframe when Iraq soldiers were crossing over the boarder into Syria to fight with the terrorists…I mean “Rebels”. We never made a big deal about it cause we were told Assad was so wicked and he had to go and he had stock piles of chemical weapons and was just waiting to use them. The fact is Maliki was told to round up his own countrymen to go assist “The Duke”. It was not Iranian influence on Maliki as most thought. It was the USA trying to support the rebel fighting against Assad. They told Maliki to send some of his troops into Syria to help out. Again we all looked at Maliki as a crazy man. Just how crazy could this guy be…we asked? Now do you know why Maliki also never turned over the defense or security ministries to Dr. Allawi as agreed in 2009-20010 Erbil agreement? Don’t you think that the parliament should have nailed his butt to the wall by now for this? Are you catching on to what is happening here ? The USA supports this guy and actually makes request of him to do their dirty work. I am proving this to you over and over again that most of these past events were instigated by the CIA and they used Maliki. This is why he does most of what he does. This is why he never suffers the consequences. This is why they needed a crooked politician in the position of prime minister. This is exactly why they hand picked Maliki even though many of the US military generals and other Iraq politicians were against this move of putting him in power again for another 4 years.
Also did you read any of the articles about this timeframe when Iraq soldiers were crossing over the boarder into Syria to fight with the terrorists…I mean “Rebels”. We never made a big deal about it cause we were told Assad was so wicked and he had to go and he had stock piles of chemical weapons and was just waiting to use them. The fact is Maliki was told to round up his own countrymen to go assist “The Duke”. It was not Iranian influence on Maliki as most thought. It was the USA trying to support the rebel fighting against Assad. They told Maliki to send some of his troops into Syria to help out. Again we all looked at Maliki as a crazy man. Just how crazy could this guy be…we asked? Now do you know why Maliki also never turned over the defense or security ministries to Dr. Allawi as agreed in 2009-20010 Erbil agreement? Don’t you think that the parliament should have nailed his butt to the wall by now for this? Are you catching on to what is happening here ? The USA supports this guy and actually makes request of him to do their dirty work. I am proving this to you over and over again that most of these past events were instigated by the CIA and they used Maliki. This is why he does most of what he does. This is why he never suffers the consequences. This is why they needed a crooked politician in the position of prime minister. This is exactly why they hand picked Maliki even though many of the US military generals and other Iraq politicians were against this move of putting him in power again for another 4 years.
Why do you think the US Iraq ambassador was replaced? He was an honest guy and many of the politicians were filling him in on the crap that was going on with Maliki and the CIA. He approached the US and requested this medaling should stop since it was sending mixed messages to the new democracy. In his own good conscience he asked to be replaced he did not get fired. He just could not go along with this crooked plan.
A reprieve for Maliki
Back in July 2012, they held up the RV again. We now know why. But what really happened between early March and July? We know that Talibani had put together a coalition against Maliki and they all wanted him out. But the USA wanted him to stay in power and so somehow they had to make arrangements to keep Maliki. But they had to convince the Najafi (the house speaker) and Talibani (the president) that this had to occur. How could they pull this off since they already made public they were about to do a no-confidence on this guy and get rid of him. They made backroom deals. Remember all the meetings at Talibani’s and Najafi’s homes back them. Maliki was not invited. He did not need to be there. This was the planning going on then. Not to get rid of him but how to keep him longer and save face. There was not going to be a no confidence vote. They needed to obey the directions coming from the USA. So later, as I stated above, this led to the Russian arms deal and the postponement of the RV in July. Its all connected.
Back in July 2012, they held up the RV again. We now know why. But what really happened between early March and July? We know that Talibani had put together a coalition against Maliki and they all wanted him out. But the USA wanted him to stay in power and so somehow they had to make arrangements to keep Maliki. But they had to convince the Najafi (the house speaker) and Talibani (the president) that this had to occur. How could they pull this off since they already made public they were about to do a no-confidence on this guy and get rid of him. They made backroom deals. Remember all the meetings at Talibani’s and Najafi’s homes back them. Maliki was not invited. He did not need to be there. This was the planning going on then. Not to get rid of him but how to keep him longer and save face. There was not going to be a no confidence vote. They needed to obey the directions coming from the USA. So later, as I stated above, this led to the Russian arms deal and the postponement of the RV in July. Its all connected.
The USA is working with Al Queda
Are you now telling me the USA supports terrorism? I thought after 911 they were the enemy and we had vengeance to stop all terrorism and clean this stuff up world wide?
-After all did the USA not lose 4,000+ lives fighting terrorism in Iraq?
-Did we not lose over 3000+ innocent lives when the twin towers fell 911?
-What is the body count now for Afghanistan ?
-Did I mention all the injured and life long handicaps from all these events so far
Are you now telling me the USA supports terrorism? I thought after 911 they were the enemy and we had vengeance to stop all terrorism and clean this stuff up world wide?
-After all did the USA not lose 4,000+ lives fighting terrorism in Iraq?
-Did we not lose over 3000+ innocent lives when the twin towers fell 911?
-What is the body count now for Afghanistan ?
-Did I mention all the injured and life long handicaps from all these events so far
I have also heard that there are enormous amounts of Iraq dinar in the hands of terrorists. They are waiting for the RV to exchange and purchase weapons. Maliki could not buy the weapons they needed from Russia using Iraq funds. The USA is sort of short on cash these days. This is why I believe they will RV prior to any bombings or land invasion. The USA needs these dinars to buy weapons for Al Queda, for “The Dukes” group, their new ally in this war. They need them at the new RV’d rate and they need a very high rate.Now you see why they need a very high rate too in the USA? They are going to use this rate to buy lots and lots of weapons and explosives. This deal with the devil (the terrorists) is three fold:
1. the rebels get their arms and they can help fight Assad,
2. the USA will benefit since they can track these dinars from getting into the hands of uncontrolled terrorist in the future since this has been a major concern.
3. The rebels may be casualties of the war, thus they rid themselves of them too.
Knowing all this information from the past two years that I have presented in this post, all the dealings in arms, the release of terrorist prisoners, the takeover of the CBI, the stalling for more time etc.. now how do we know this is now all over and we can get our RV?
Knowing all this information from the past two years that I have presented in this post, all the dealings in arms, the release of terrorist prisoners, the takeover of the CBI, the stalling for more time etc.. now how do we know this is now all over and we can get our RV?
Next question I ask myself is – has the situation changed? What has changed? Let’s forget all these bank stories, bank screens, technical issues, timers running out, negotiating for higher rates. I believe the situation has changed and continues to change each and everyday as they go through their checklist of items to complete in preparation for the RV. I tried to look at the coming war in Syria and what ground work was laid in these last few years to support this ongoing effort and what they needed Iraq (their patsy Maliki) to do for them. This too held up the RV. Remember now there is a plan to supply the rebels with weapons and to pay for them with this revalued dinar. How can they do this without revaluing the dinar now. Could this now be the next item on their checklist? I think this will happen prior to any invasion.
I believe too that the US government is also sending out mixed messages to intel sources to pacify us on these dinar sites just like in Iraq when they announce to the people for the zillionth time “its going to happen in the coming days”. Why do they do this? I believe they want us and need us to invest in this dinar. They do not want us to give up. There is a larger plan for using us investors and also a plan for post RV. I have talked about this plan in prior posts. If they did not want us to have these dinars they could have stopped us from buying them at anytime. Remember they have to get through customs of every country. They also could have just simply put a law in place and made it illegal, as they have in come countries where they do not want the average person to have the kind of wealth it is about to bring us. They also could have just stopped selling them in the auctions.
Do I think we are now close to an RV? Yes I do. I am counting on this next week if not in the coming days. Could it be something dealing with the Syrian crisis now holding it up? In fact I believe it has been in part the Syria crisis too all along. All you have to know is the process of how they are handling the Syria situation, the courses of action they have tried and plan for the future. The arms, soldiers, and money have to come from somewhere. I can see clearly now !
But I am also beginning to hear some other news that I have to verify and get back to you soon. It is telling me some events must all line up more closely to get this RV. These events are all linked together. I will say more when I know more soon.
Something new dealing with Syria is now holding up this RV. We need to get to the bottom of this.
Peace and Luv to ya,
mnt goat
mnt goat
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