Friday, November 22, 2013

Conversation with Uncle Arthur and others

So, after once again seeing no activation yesterday or today after hearing it is done I called Uncle Arthur and called some of the people I know with DC connections to try to figure out what the heck is going on.

Like I have said before Uncle Arthur is not a whole lot into the IQD situation, but is into other things and a financial adviser. My question to him was about this ridiculous story about a bus load of dinarians going to the banks and this is the reason we have not seen the activation. He chuckled repeatedly throughout our whole conversation over that one. He always answers my questions with questions, because he thinks people should use the brain they were given and not just listen blindly to other people. His statement on this , after he had stopped laughing initially, was to say there is no way that a bus load of people at one bank stopped the activation of a global event. He then proceeded to tell me I must be an idiot myself if I even believed that for a moment. Stop and think about it, he said. What would happen to you if you and a bus load of people drove into a bank parking lot and got out asking about the revaluation of the dinar. I said well they would look at us like we were nuts, politely tell us it is not a trade-able currency, has not revalued and say Good Day... He said, Ok what would happen if you didn't leave or caused a scene. Well, we all know what would happen. They would call security and we would be asked to leave, escorted off the property of arrested for trespassing. HOWEVER, while it may cause a scene which would in turn alert the media, it would NOT stop banking services or banking transactions etc. As he stated also if these people were ignorant and brazen enough to get together and do this sort of foolish act, that was so disruptive that it stopped a whole CE don't you also think they would be brazen and foolish enough to band together as a group and be able to find some media outlet that would be willing to listen to them?????   Well, I have to say his answer made sense to me.

Uncle Arthur agreed that he has been hearing that we should see this revaluation and he is surprised it hasn't happened yet. He said he has NOT heard the double digit rates that I relayed to him. He also said that if the rate was supposed to be 3.87 rate in Iraq for it to line up with the rate we had agreed upon for the other countries (ie $38+ here and then $10 for the VNN) that yes, something as simple as being $3.89 would throw the system out of line again. Yes 2 cents off will throw a flag. Its like he explained to me before and I posted previously..If A=B then C has to be a specific number.

I spoke also with my friend who is a high clearance program manager at one of the big 4 and he said again that he has heard nothing so far. 

Common sense should tell all of us now that people being called into call centers, if that is factual information, or just more misinformation people are feeding the gurus, means nothing because that has been happening all year per the gurus and we still have no RV.

So, the bottom line is, stay hopeful. Keep expecting it ASN but live your life as if it will not happen for another year. I have talked to many people who are actually allowing this to make them physically ill. We cannot control the timing of this. Do not stay up every night, waiting for a text. Go to bed. Remember that thee "gurus" are just human beings. They tell you what they are told, and if the truth was known we would probably find out that some of them are just repeating the statements they have heard from others who are supposedly in the know. 

As for people who claim they have did their currency exchange and are still posting in forums, then one of two things is true . Either there is no NDA, or they are not being honest with you and have not did a CE any more than you and I have. Use your common sense. Google stacks of money and you will see how easy it is to fool people into thinking you have stacks of money. A good photoshop job can also fool you 100% of the time. Do not continue to be mislead.

If someone starts off their call with "I have all of this wonderful news to share with you," and then shares nothing, you might be a misinformed dinarian 

If you stay up all night waiting for a text that never came, you might be a misinformed dinarian.

If you are sitting in the McDonalds next to the bank , waiting for those 800#'s , you might be a misinformed dinarian

If you live your life waiting for next posting from someone who claims that have already did the CE, you might be a misinformed dinarian. (stop and think about that one)

If you can praise one guru but bash others that are saying the exact same thing, you might be a misinformed dinarian.

Now, stop being misinformed  and go out and have a fantabulous day!!!!!

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